
A croogo plugin that makes plugins through the admin GUI

Primary LanguagePHP

The Plugin Plugin...for making plugins...:)

This plugin is simple to install.

  1. Drop the zip or folder in your plugin folder in Croogo 1.5.7
  2. Activate
  3. Generate the ACO/ARO (will reduce this step)
  4. Migrate
  5. Use the new admin tab to create a project record, define its Objects (tables), and define the objects fields.
  6. Click the far right icon on the project list page, and, PRESTO!
  7. Your plugin is baked and ready for data after following steps 2 & 3 with the created plugin.

Croogo Plugin

Croogo is a free, open source, content management system for PHP, released under MIT License.

It is powered by CakePHP MVC framework.

Build Status


  • Apache with mod_rewrite
  • PHP 5.2 or higher
  • MySQL 4.1 or higher
  • Croogo



Upload the folder to your app>>Plugin folder. Activate the app Create new plugins!

the mobile app will be created in the webroot folder under webroot>>mobile>>[Project name]