Code for the SE31520/CHM5820 CSA (CS Alumni Application).
This is the main example shown in class. It has plenty of bugs that you are encouraged to fix.
- Running By default it will run in non-ssl mode using rails start. If you want to run in SSL mode see below. If you want to use with Twitter then you will need to create a config/local_env.yml file of the form:
See for more info. Also make sure the file is included in .gitignore so that you don't expose sensitive information to the world.
This information is used in the initializer: config/initializers/twitter.rb.
There is a simple REST client under the rest_client folder. This only supports the manipulation of user accounts.
If you want SSL edit app/controllers/application_controller.rb and uncomment the force_ssl command.
Then if running in SSL mode: Start using two command line windows: In one start puma in non-ssl mode, type:
In the other start in ssl mode. Here is an example:
puma -b 'ssl://'
To generate self-signed certificates for testing see:
Ruby version This has been developed with ruby 2.4.1
Database creation An example development database is included
Installation dependencies ImageMagick must be installed
Testing No extra tests were developed during this workshop, only those generated automatically or developed in earlier workshops.