
Just my dot files nothing very fancy here

Primary LanguageShell

DjT@l dotfile

Using this repo

Contain configurations for mostly CLI tools and some osx specific options

Configurations and scripts are compatible with Ubuntu 12.04 and OS X if possible

How it work

All files and directories are symlinked to ~/.

You can choose to copy some file to make custom change inside if you don't want to sync change to upstream repo. Add cutline to each file you want to copy insteand of symlink This line will delimit the part iof the file that will be sync from the upsteam from the part that will be kept only locally.


Clone this repo where you want and run the install script Get the submodules

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ ./install.sh

It also use homebrew to install additionnal sofwtare. To update your installed software

$ cd dotfiles
$ brew bundle

What you'll find here

Brew installed tools

  • bash (4.X since osx ship with 3.X)
  • git
  • neovim
  • tmux

Check Brewfile for more

Some small utilities functions

Some functions are based on my filesytem organisation. feel free to change the to suit your need. Theses are "cdproj" and "cddev"

  • cddev :

Quickly jump to any first level directory located in a base directory. Customize you base directory by setting the CD_DEV_PATH environement variable. Default to ~/

  • tm :

Easy open tmux session with the given name or switch to it if already exist

  • tm_proj :

Easy open tmux session with the given name or switch to it if already exist. It's the next evolution of tm Now it manage a layout file to describe how to split you pane(s). The layout file can be present on the root of you project. If not it will check at ~/

layout file is simple bash file which is sourced when opening. Sample layout file

split-window -v -p 35 -c "#{pane_current_path}"
new-window -n "my-pane-name" -c "#{pane_current_path}"
  • gifenc :

Create short gif from a video. Usefull to send terminal based video inside PR or via slack. It need ffmpeg to work and is based on [High quality GIF with FFmpeg](http://blog.pkh.me/p/21-high-quality-gif-with-ffmpeg.html for more details)


These are specfic apps I use. They're not always free or open source but I find them usefull in my day to day job.

Additionals cli tools

Thoses tools are not automaticaly installed with a brew bundlecommand. You need to manualy install them if you need


Git cli GUI. Simillar to tig


Easy format string to markdown table


jq for yaml files


read any files wilth syntax higlight on you terminal


cli tool to read issue from jira and to manage lot of jira stuff too. Need to copy the jira.d directory to ~/.jira.d and set appriate keys coresponding to your jira account


Bash formater


Add quick txt not to you menubar for later use. A fork exist : https://github.com/buddax2/tmpNote


A parallel universal-ctags wrapper for git repository Quickly index tags on any git repos Used from vim also Install from cargo cargo install ptags


Allow recording shell history inside a sqlite db The you can query it as you want

switchaudio-osx :

Allow changing audio output device from cli The we use Alfred to change source via keyboard easily


Easily process any datasource

Keyboard Setup

It use Karabiner to add some custom mappings

Remap Capslock to Ctr when hold or escape when touch

Remap Control+W to delete previous word

In Karabiner and search for “Control+W”. Check the box next to “[ex] Control+W to Option+Delete” under “Emacs Mode”.

Remap ² to Escap

For PC Keyboard.

In Karabiner and search for "Map ² to escape" and activate.


Inspiration taken from

My coworkers for all the tips and tricks And many others