
a pseudo wiki build wih git and some markdown rendering

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Simple wiki using Git and Mardown

The pitch is simple

Your write your file in mardown version them with git. And then gitki take all that markdonw and generate a static site in just plain html(with some js or css).


Create a new gitki wiki.

  $ gitki create

Note : you can do it by hand it just an directory initilaized with a fresh git version

Generate the site

In your project

  $ gitki generate

This will create a site directory with your site. serve it directly with your prefered web server and voila.

Options are :

  • --from path_to_source_files : override source file path
  • --to path_to_site : generate site to another location
  • --render render_name : use another render to generate your site

List available render

  $ gitki themes

FF aka Futur Feature

Maybe they will be or not

  • more usage of thor thor can be use as main workflow to create site skeleton
  • better history
  • allow disabling history generation
  • better index
  • allow disable index generation
  • auto disbale history/index generation if files histroy/index are present src root
  • use a config file for all site generation like site.rb or somthing like that
  • add breadcrump based on folders
  • add new wiki creation
  • add a last modifed page with diff from last week for all page (and diff quantifier like +++ & --- on github)
  • basic seo rule like page title and maybe some meta keyword
  • search page based on some js
  • use scss for stylesheet and improve asset managment


  • build an inverted index when generating site
  • conssume this index with javascript on the client side

Usefull links on inverted index and full text search