
EmberJs playground

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Experimenting with emberjs on a real thing. Trying to reprsent a calender with some datas inside each day. Want to navigate between month/years too.

This project also serve as a playground for experimenting/learning various front office technology (see [[pre requist]])

Pre Requiste

You will need npm up and running and your browser to play/code

Main stack is composed of :

  • JS is primarily written with CoffeeScript
  • Use Bower to manage dependencies (js, css)
  • Use Brunch.io to scaffold a pretty decent structure for the app. Brunch is also used to compile various things to pre-package the final app.

Getting started

Clone this repository Run

```npm install````

Then start brunch server. Brunch server is a simple web server with WebSocket enabled. It allow live reloading your page each time you save a file in the app.

brunch server


use Bootstrap DatePicker in a side bar to allow naigating between month Reflect the choice on the main calendar view


Emberjs and D3 has some gret ideas representing month as a separte model