
Config files for setup

Primary LanguageVim Script


This repository includes all of my custom dotfiles. They should be cloned to your home directory so that the path is ~/dotfiles/. The included setup script creates symlinks from your home directory to the files which are located in ~/dotfiles/.

The setup script is smart enough to back up your existing dotfiles into a ~/dotfiles_old/ directory if you already have any dotfiles of the same name as the dotfile symlinks being created in your home directory.

I also prefer zsh as my shell of choice. As such, the setup script will also clone the oh-my-zsh repository from my GitHub. It then checks to see if zsh is installed. If zsh is installed, and it is not already configured as the default shell, the setup script will execute a chsh -s $(which zsh). This changes the default shell to zsh, and takes effect as soon as a new zsh is spawned or on next login.

So, to recap, the install script will:

  1. Back up any existing dotfiles in your home directory to ~/dotfiles_old/
  2. Create symlinks to the dotfiles in ~/dotfiles/ in your home directory
  3. Clone the oh-my-zsh repository from my GitHub (for use with zsh)
  4. Check to see if zsh is installed, if it isn't, try to install it.
  5. If zsh is installed, run a chsh -s to set it as the default shell.


git clone git://github.com/michaeljsmalley/dotfiles ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles

source: http://blog.smalleycreative.com/tutorials/using-git-and-github-to-manage-your-dotfiles/

Set up prompts

Configure git hist in .gitconfig:

hist = log --pretty=format:'%h %ad | %s%d [%an]' --graph --date=short

Ignore Vim swapfiles in git:

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

Install vundle:
git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim Then in VIM, install plugins:


Compiling YCM in VIM Fedora: Download CMake:

sudo dnf install automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel cmake

Download Python headers:

sudo dnf install python-devel python3-devel

Compile YCM:

cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
./install.py --clang-completer

Install Ag:

dnf install the_silver_searcher

For Fedora download vim-enhanced vim-X11 for copy-paste support:

sudo dnf install vim-X11 vim-enhanced

Ruby + RVM
Java + JavaREPL (https://github.com/albertlatacz/java-repl)

brew install ant
ln -s ~/Desktop/Projects2/misc/java-repl/build/artifacts/javarepl-dev.build
set up symlink

Clojure + Leiningen
Python + PIP
Node + NPM
Racket + DrRacket new GitHub SSH key Postgres http://tecadmin.net/install-postgresql-9-5-on-centos/