Kinsky is a somewhat opinionated client library for Apache Kafka in Clojure.
Kinsky provides the following:
- Kakfa 0.10.0.x compatibility
- Adequate data representation of Kafka types.
- Default serializer and deserializer implementations such as JSON, EDN and a keyword serializer for keys.
- A
facade for producers and consumers. - Documentation
[[spootnik/kinsky "0.1.23"]]
Thanks a lot to these awesome contributors
- Ray Cheung (@raycheung)
- Daniel Truemper (@truemped)
- Mathieu Marchandise (@vielmath)
- Eli Sorey (@esorey)
- François Rey (@fmjrey)
- Karthikeyan Chinnakonda (@codingkarthik)
- Jean-Baptiste Besselat (@luhhujbb)
- Carl Düvel (@hackbert)
- Andrew Garman (@agarman)
- Pyry Kovanen (@pkova)
- Henrik Lundahl (@henriklundahl)
- Josh Glover (@jmglov)
- Marcus Spiegel (@malesch)
- Jeff Stokes (@jstokes)
- Martino (@vise890-ovo)
- Ikuru K (@iku000888)
- Add support for producer transaction
- Fixed ConcurrentModificationException when async consumer created with topic
- Added support for reader opts when consuming
- Add timestamp in record output
- Update to latest Kafka clients
- Typo fix
- Update to latest Kafka clients
- Provide duplex channels to bridge control and record channels in consumers
- Stability and bugfix release
- Lots of input from @jmgrov, @scott-abernethy, and @henriklundahl. Thanks!
The examples assume the following require forms:
(:require [kinsky.client :as client]
[kinsky.async :as async]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [go <! >!]])
(let [p (client/producer {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"}
(client/send! p "account" :account-a {:action :login}))
Async facade:
(let [ch (async/producer {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"} :keyword :edn)]
(>! ch {:topic "account" :key :account-a :value {:action :login}})
(>! ch {:topic "account" :key :account-a :value {:action :logout}})))
(let [c (client/consumer {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092" "mygroup"}
(client/subscribe! c "account")
(client/poll! c 100))
Async facade:
(let [ch (async/consumer {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092" (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))}
topic "tests"]
(a/go-loop []
(when-let [record (a/<! ch)]
(println (pr-str record))
(a/put! ch {:op :partitions-for :topic topic})
(a/put! ch {:op :subscribe :topic topic})
(a/put! ch {:op :commit})
(a/put! ch {:op :pause :topic-partitions [{:topic topic :partition 0}
{:topic topic :partition 1}
{:topic topic :partition 2}
{:topic topic :partition 3}]})
(a/put! ch {:op :resume :topic-partitions [{:topic topic :partition 0}
{:topic topic :partition 1}
{:topic topic :partition 2}
{:topic topic :partition 3}]})
(a/put! ch {:op :stop}))
(let [popts {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"}
copts (assoc popts "consumer-group-id")
c-ch (kinsky.async/consumer copts :string :string)
p-ch (kinsky.async/producer popts :string :string)]
;; fuse topics
(a/>! c-ch {:op :subscribe :topic "test1"})
(let [transit (a/chan 10 (map #(assoc % :topic "test2")))]
(a/pipe c-ch transit)
(a/pipe transit p-ch))))