A couple PCB's I've designed to run the SmartportSD FAT code from Katherine Stark (based on the work of Robert Justice and Andrea Ottaviani) allowing you to connect a 32MB ProDOS partition to your SmartPort enabled Apple II (IIc, IIc+, IIgs). If you have a Apple IIe, solutions like a SoftSP card with you Disk II card, or something like Brad Bell's SmartDiskII card will also allow hookup and usage. Yes, it works with Total Replay.
This is my original design. Works best with a Duo Disk cable, but has a header to wire up a custom cable if needed. All through hold modules, super easy build. I added some additional LED's to indicate which of the four ProDOS partitions is currently loaded.
See the Nano Shield page for BOM and assembly instructions.
This one is a bit more of an advanced build and is based off my Tapecart SD design I did for the Commodore 64. Uses a full size SD card for ease of handling and plugs in directly to the back of an Apple IIc/c+/gs. There is a lightpipe for the activity LED and the narrow case design allows plenty of clearance for the bulkiest composite video connectors I could find in my collection.
See the SMD page for BOM and assembly instructions.
If I have extra PCB's, they will be listed on Tindie.
Otherwise, you can download the gerbers and use your favorite fab (JLCPCB, PCBWay, etc.) to make your own batch.
Robert Justice for his original SmartPortCFA project http://www.users.on.net/~rjustice/SmartportCFA/SmartportCFA.htm
Andrea Ottaviani for his Arduino/SD port of Robert's work http://www.users.on.net/~rjustice/SmartportCFA/SmartportSD.htm
Katherine Stark for adding FAT support to Andrea's work to make it easier to manage the partitions on the SD card. https://gitlab.com/nyankat/smartportsd