
General Purpose Marshalling and Unmarshalling

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This utility module currently decodes a map of values into a go struct. You could use this for converting "flat" wire formats (for example, from an SQL database or HTTP response into go structures.


The simple method is to use "UnmarshalStruct" to perform the transformation. For example,

package main

import (
  marshaler "github.com/djthorpe/go-marshaler"

func main() {
  var dest struct {
    A int     `test:"a"`
    B float32 `test:"b"`
    C []int   `test:"c"`
  src := map[string]interface{}{
    "a": int(10),
    "b": float32(3.1415),
    "c": []int{ 1, 2, 3 },
  if err := marshaler.UnmarshalStruct(src, &dest, "test", nil); err != nil {

Will output map[string]interface{}{ a: 10, b: 3.1415, c: [ 1, 2, 3 ] }. You can define a custom scalar decoding function which can transform a source value into a destination type. Pass this custom function as the last argument to UnmarshalStruct. For example,

func CustomTransformer(src reflect.Value, dest reflect.Type) (reflect.Value,error) {
  if dest != /* type I am interested in transforming to */ {
		return reflect.ValueOf(nil), nil
  // Return type if it's already converted
  if src.Type() == dest {
		return v, nil
  // Do transformation here to dest type, return error if the
  // source cannot be transformed....

Your function should return an invalid value to skip the transformation, and an error if you want to return an error out of the UnmarshalStruct function.


Decoding can also be performed as follows:

package main

import (
  marshaler "github.com/djthorpe/go-marshaler"

func main() {
  var dest struct {
    A int       `test:"a"`
    B float32   `test:"b"`
    C []int     `test:"c"`
    D time.Time `test:"d"`
  src := map[string]interface{}{
    "a": int(10),
    "b": float32(3.1415),
    "c": []int{ 1, 2, 3 },
    "d": "2016-01-01T00:00:00Z",

  dec := marshaler.NewDecoder("test",marshaler.ConvertTime)

  if err := dec.Decode(src, &dest); err != nil {

The NewDecoder method takes one or more custom functions which can be used for decoding fields. In this example, the ConvertTime decoder will convert a string into a time.Time structure. All the custom functions provided are:

  • marshaler.ConvertTime Converts strings formatted as RFC3339 into time.Time. Empty strings are converted into zero-time.