Presentation Outline

1. Introduction (2 minutes)

My background and its relevance to this presentation
Introduce the purpose: Optimizing and growing startups using cloud technologies.
Talk about the structure of the presentation

2. Problem (5 minutes)

Discuss common startup challenges: the need for growth, scalability & cost reduction solutions.
Explain how these issues can hinder a startup's potential to survive or stay competitive.

3. How and why small startups can use the cloud (7 minutes)

Introduce cloud engineering as a solution to these problems, mainly cost savings, scalability, and growth.
Detail specific strategies:
How the cloud can help with cost savings
why we should containerize our apps [Docker, flexibility & portability]
choosing the right cloud provider [AWS vs Digital Ocean]
choosing the right tools from a given cloud provider [AWS On Demand Instances vs Spot Instances & Lambda Functions]
How the cloud can help with growth
implementing cloud services for customer loyalty rewards [AWS Rekognition]
implementing cloud services for design and offer testing [AWS Global Accelerator]
How the cloud can help with scalability
implementing cloud services for scaling and reliability [Kubernetes ]
implementing cloud services for customer/user customization and personalization [AWS Personalize]

4. Examples of How Small Startups Can Use the Same Cloud Services & Tools that Top Companies Use For Growing and Scaling (8 minutes)

Present case studies:

Razor: Gaming company, saved 90% costs using spot instances, working with user data sync across devices [Virtual Servers]
FOX - News media, accurate real time game data for calling games and optimizing ads, growth and using data [AWS Kenisis Data Streams]
Happy Fresh Market: Online grocery shopping platform, growth and scaling by optimizing customer data and scaling when needed throughout the day [AWS Glue]
Aldo: Shoe store that takes requests and send it to backroom employee for shoe locations and recommends stuff when they aren’t available like other locations that have the item in stock, warehouse inventory checks, similar items, etc. [AWS App Sync, GraphQL & SNS]
Coca-Cola: Freestyle machines use lambda too see what’s available and what ingredients is needed to make over 500 different kinds of soda, during Covid the used api gateway to make it touchless [Lambda Functions and IOT]
Neiman Marcus: employee app for product/customers where they match customers to associates and build relationships with customer through messaging, recommendations, notifications, ect. [AWS Amplify, SNS & Cognito]
Petco: Pet store, curbside and recomendation service for owners, growth and using data [AWS SQS, API Gateway & Lambda Functions]
7-11 : Convince store, digital wallet for growth, keep customers locked in [AWS QLDB, Pinpoint & ]

5. Conclusion (3 minutes)

Summarize my key points
Free Startup Cloud Audit & Cloud Engineering Plan.