
ASCII Nyancat animation

Primary LanguageC


Nyan cat ASCII animation in C for terminal with music. Have fun.


For Mac OS X, e.g. use Homebrew (or MacPorts or Fink) to install the MikMod library:

$ brew install libmikmod

For Linux, e.g. use aptitude to install the MikMod library:

$ sudo aptitude install libmikmod2-dev

For Windows, visit the official MikMod website, download and install the library


$ sh compile.sh


$ bin/nyancat


The cross-plattform compatible C program compiles down to a single file including the animation, music and libraries. It is mainly one function with a loop that draws a frame, sleeps and clears the area. No extra libraries are needed to display it. The music is composed using MilkyTracker, an open-source multi-plattform clone of the old and famous Fasttracker II. MikMod library is use for playback of the module, which is almost the only module playing library freely available with complete source code and cross-plattform compatibility (Linux, Mac, BSD, Windows). Many other libraries like BassMod, Mini FMOD, μFMOD, or ModPlug Plugin are either not open source, or don't support all major plattforms.


Uwe Dauernheim


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