
JSON reviver/replacer methods for JavaScript Buffer type.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A JavaScript component to be used in conjunction with JSON.parse to restore a Buffer JSON representation back to a Buffer instance. Can also be used in conjunction with JSON.stringify to compact the array that Buffer.prototype.toJSON() creates.

Note to Node v0.10 users!

The replacer function will not work for you. This is because in Node v0.10 the here's the output of the following:

** Node v0.10: **

console.dir(JSON.stringify(new Buffer('hello')))
// => '[104,101,108,108,111]'

** Node v0.11, v0.12, IO.js: **

console.dir(JSON.stringify(new Buffer('hello')))
// => '{"type":"Buffer","data":[104,101,108,108,111]}'


So why would you use this module? You would use it because you don't like serializing your buffers to arrays.

// without this module
console.dir(JSON.stringify(new Buffer('hello')))
// => '{"type":"Buffer","data":[104,101,108,108,111]}'

// with this module
var bufferJson = require('buffer-json')

console.dir(JSON.stringify(new Buffer('hello'), bufferJson.replacer))
// => '{"type":"Buffer","data":"base64:aGVsbG8="}'

As you can see, in most cases, base64 encoding would be more efficient than arrays.



Restores Buffer from JSON.


Helps convert Buffer to JSON.
