
show all Vancouver carshare, bikeshare, and transit options on one map. Access Car2Go, Evo, Modo, and Mobi Bikes in one place!

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Ride Map

show all Vancouver carshare, bikeshare, and transit options on one map. Access Car2Go, Evo, Modo, and Mobi Bikes in one place! Make it easier to find a bike or car close to you regardless of what service it is on. Give everyone a more global view of Vancouvers car sharing and encourage user adoption of the services. Help uand make sers pre-plan the fastest and cheapest routes. Take more cars off the road and make Vancouver a more accessable and green city.

Plan for development.


Show a custom map with markers for all car share services on one map.

Planned services to include:

  • Evo
  • Modo
  • Car2Go
  • Mobi Bikes
  • Translink (Buses and Trains)


Build a trip planning tool to recomend routes based on the above services.

  • Cheapest trip
  • shortest trip
  • rabdom trip (for fun!)