Basic Node API Scaffold

Welcome to your Basic Node API Repository. Use this to start your own Greenfield Project using nodejs, express and common industry standards.

This repository assumes a handful of industry practices and standards. We strive to keep you on the bleeding edge of the industry and as a result, we have made some opinions for you so that you don't have to; you're welcome.


Maintainability Rating


Labs teams must follow all Labs Engineering Standards.

Getting Started

Enviornment Variables

  • PORT - API port (optional, but helpful with FE running as well)
    • The following ports are whitelisted for use with okta
      • 3000
      • 8000
      • 8080
  • DS_API_URL - URL to a data science api. (eg.
  • DS_API_TOKEN - authorization header token for data science api (eg. SUPERSECRET)
  • DATABASE_URL - connection string for postgres database
  • OKTA_URL_ISSUER - The complete issuer URL for verifying okta access tokens.
  • OKTA_CLIENT_ID - the okta client ID.

See .env.sample for example values

Setup postgres

There are 3 options to get postgresql installed locally [Choose one]:

  1. Use docker. Install for your platform
    • run: docker-compose up -d to start up the postgresql database and pgadmin.
    • Open a browser to pgadmin and you should see the Dev server already defined.
    • If you need to start over you will need to delete the folder $ rm -rf ./data/pg as this is where all of the server data is stored.
      • if the database api-dev was not created then start over.
  2. Download and install postgresql directly from the main site
    • make note of the port, username and password you use to setup the database.
    • Connect your client to the server manually using the values previously mentioned
    • You will need to create a database manually using a client.
    • Make sure to update the DATABASE_URL connection string with the values for username/password, databasename and server port (if not 5432).
  3. Setup a free account at ElephantSQL
    • Sign up for a free Tiney Turtle plan
    • copy the URL to the DATABASE_URL .env variable
    • make sure to add ?ssl=true to the end of this url

Setup the application

  • create your project repo by forking or using this as a template.
  • run: npm install to download all dependencies.
  • run: cp .env.sample .env and update the enviornment variables to match your local setup.
  • run: npm run knex migrate:latest to create the starting schema.
  • run: npm run knex seed:run to populate your db with some data.
  • run: npm run tests to confirm all is setup and tests pass.
  • run: npm run watch:dev to start nodemon in local dev enviornment.

Make sure to update the details of the app name, description and version in the package.json and config/jsdoc.js files.


See the contributing doc for more info.

REST API - Family Promise

Family Promise REST API

Logs (start here)

GET all logs: /logs

HTTP Method: [GET]


    "reservation_id": 1,
    "supervisor_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "family_id": 1,
    "reservation_status": true,
    "waitlist": false,
    "on_site_7pm": true,
    "on_site_10pm": true,
    "date": null,
    "time": null,
    "beds_reserved": 5,
    "actual_beds_reserved": 5,
    "members_staying": []
    "reservation_id": 2,
    "supervisor_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "family_id": 1,
    "reservation_status": true,
    "waitlist": false,
    "on_site_7pm": true,
    "on_site_10pm": true,
    "date": null,
    "time": null,
    "beds_reserved": 5,
    "actual_beds_reserved": 5,
    "members_staying": []
    "reservation_id": 3,
    "supervisor_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "family_id": 1,
    "reservation_status": true,
    "waitlist": false,
    "on_site_7pm": true,
    "on_site_10pm": true,
    "date": null,
    "time": null,
    "beds_reserved": 5,
    "actual_beds_reserved": 5,
    "members_staying": []

Response: (200) - success


GET an individual log: /logs/:id

HTTP Method: [GET]


    "reservation_id": 1,
    "supervisor_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "family_id": 1,
    "reservation_status": true,
    "waitlist": false,
    "on_site_7pm": true,
    "on_site_10pm": true,
    "date": null,
    "time": null,
    "beds_reserved": 5,
    "actual_beds_reserved": 5,
    "members_staying": []

Response: (200) - success


POST a log: /logs

HTTP Method: [POST]


Request Body

    "reservation_id": 5,
    "supervisor_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "family_id": 1,
    "reservation_status": true,
    "waitlist": false,
    "on_site_7pm": false,
    "on_site_10pm": false,
    "date": null,
    "time": null,
    "beds_reserved": 2,
    "actual_beds_reserved": 2,
    "members_staying": [
        "Thomas Shelby",
        "Jacob Shelby"

Response: (200) - logs created


PUT (edit) a log: */logs/:id

HTTP Method: [PUT]


Request Body

    "reservation_id": 5,
    "supervisor_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "family_id": 1,
    "reservation_status": true,
    "waitlist": false,
    "on_site_7pm": false,
    "on_site_10pm": false,
    "date": null,
    "time": null,
    "beds_reserved": 2,
    "actual_beds_reserved": 2,
    "members_staying": [
        "Thomas Shelby",
        "Arthur Shelby"

Response: (200) - log 5 updated


DELETE a log: */logs/:id

HTTP Method: [DEL]


Request Body

    "reservation_id": 5,
    "supervisor_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "family_id": 1,
    "reservation_status": true,
    "waitlist": false,
    "on_site_7pm": false,
    "on_site_10pm": false,
    "date": null,
    "time": null,
    "beds_reserved": 2,
    "actual_beds_reserved": 2,
    "members_staying": [
        "Thomas Shelby",
        "Arthur Shelby"

Response: (200) - log 5 deleted


Notes (start here)

GET all notes: /notes

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

    "id": 1,
    "family_id": 1,
    "author_id": "00u2lgca4zIaSTPqE5d6",
    "subject": "Please be aware of sensitive information",
    "content": "Family came in after fire destroyed their home, young Jacob is still in the recovering.",
    "shareable": true,
    "date": "2020-12-14T05:00:00.000Z",
    "time": "2020-12-14T03:15:31.031Z"
    "id": 2,
    "family_id": 1,
    "author_id": "00u2lgca4zIaSTPqE5d6",
    "subject": "Please be aware of sensitive information",
    "content": "Additional notes for family.",
    "shareable": true,
    "date": "2020-12-14T05:00:00.000Z",
    "time": "2020-12-14T03:15:31.031Z"

Response: (200) - success


GET an individual note: /notes/:id

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

    "id": 1,
    "family_id": 1,
    "author_id": "00u2lgca4zIaSTPqE5d6",
    "subject": "Please be aware of sensitive information",
    "content": "Family came in after fire destroyed their home, young Jacob is still in the recovering.",
    "shareable": true,
    "date": "2020-12-14T05:00:00.000Z",
    "time": "2020-12-14T03:15:31.031Z"

Response: (200) - success


POST a note: /notes

HTTP Method: [POST]


Request Body

    "family_id": 1,
    "author_id": "00u2lgca4zIaSTPqE5d6",
    "subject": "Skills Workshop Information",
    "content": "Family has been given information about skills workshops.",
    "shareable": true,
    "date": "2020-12-14T05:00:00.000Z",
    "time": "2020-12-14T03:15:31.031Z"

Response: (200) - note created


PUT (edit) a note: /notes/:id

HTTP Method: [PUT]


Request Body

    "id": 1,
    "family_id": 1,
    "author_id": "00u2lgca4zIaSTPqE5d6",
    "subject": "Skills Workshop Information UPDATE",
    "content": "Family has been given information about skills workshops and ongoing support contacts.",
    "shareable": true,
    "date": "2020-12-14T05:00:00.000Z",
    "time": "2020-12-14T03:15:31.031Z"

Response: (200) - note updated


DELETE a note: /notes/:id



Request Body

    "id": 1,
    "family_id": 1,
    "author_id": "00u2lgca4zIaSTPqE5d6",
    "subject": "Skills Workshop Information UPDATE",
    "content": "Family has been given information about skills workshops and ongoing support contacts.",
    "shareable": true,
    "date": "2020-12-14T05:00:00.000Z",
    "time": "2020-12-14T03:15:31.031Z"

Response: (204) - note deleted


Families (start here)

GET all families: /families

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

    "id": 1,
    "user_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "case_number": 22,
    "phone_one": {
        "name": "Thomas Shelby",
        "number": "202-555-0177",
        "safeToLeaveMssg": true
    "phone_two": {
        "name": "Maria Shelby",
        "number": "770-555-0114",
        "safeToLeaveMssg": false
    "safe_alternate": {
        "name": "Mark Shelby",
        "number": "809-323-5959"
    "emergencyContact": {
        "name": "Steve Martin",
        "number": "410-555-0173"
    "vehicle": {
        "make": "BMW",
        "year": 2007,
        "color": "red",
        "model": "K1200LT",
        "license_plate": "699-VHT"
    "last_permanent_address": "7271 Hickory Rd Sterling VA 20164 ",
    "homeless_info": {
        "prior_location": "relatives",
        "current_location": "car",
        "num_times_homeless": 2,
        "total_len_homeless": 1,
        "homeless_start_date": "26-AUG-2019",
        "length_at_prior_location": "2 weeks",
        "length_at_current_location": "3 days"
    "gov_benefits": {
        "RRH": false,
        "snap": true,
        "cps_fps": false,
        "foodstamps": true,
        "housing_voucher": false,
        "veteran_services": true
    "insurance": {
        "pregnancies": false,
        "has_insurance": true,
        "members_covered": 2,
        "health_insurance_type": "Medicare"
    "domestic_violence_info": {
        "fleeing_dv": false,
        "YWCA_contacted": false,
        "has_court_order": false,
        "date_last_incident": false,
        "anonymity_preferred": true
    "pets": {
        "cat": false,
        "dog": false,
        "amount": {
            "value1": false,
            "value2": false
        "shelter": false,
        "name_one": null,
        "name_two": null,
        "service_animal": false,
        "support_animal": false
    "avatar_url": "",
    "percent_complete": 0

Response: (200) - success


GET a family: /families/:id

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

"id": 1,
"user_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
"case_number": 22,
"phone_one": {
    "name": "Thomas Shelby",
    "number": "202-555-0177",
    "safeToLeaveMssg": true
"phone_two": {
    "name": "Maria Shelby",
    "number": "770-555-0114",
    "safeToLeaveMssg": false
"safe_alternate": {
    "name": "Mark Shelby",
    "number": "809-323-5959"
"emergencyContact": {
    "name": "Steve Martin",
    "number": "410-555-0173"
"vehicle": {
    "make": "BMW",
    "year": 2007,
    "color": "red",
    "model": "K1200LT",
    "license_plate": "699-VHT"
"last_permanent_address": "7271 Hickory Rd Sterling VA 20164 ",
"homeless_info": {
    "prior_location": "relatives",
    "current_location": "car",
    "num_times_homeless": 2,
    "total_len_homeless": 1,
    "homeless_start_date": "26-AUG-2019",
    "length_at_prior_location": "2 weeks",
    "length_at_current_location": "3 days"
"gov_benefits": {
    "RRH": false,
    "snap": true,
    "cps_fps": false,
    "foodstamps": true,
    "housing_voucher": false,
    "veteran_services": true
"insurance": {
    "pregnancies": false,
    "has_insurance": true,
    "members_covered": 2,
    "health_insurance_type": "Medicare"
"domestic_violence_info": {
    "fleeing_dv": false,
    "YWCA_contacted": false,
    "has_court_order": false,
    "date_last_incident": false,
    "anonymity_preferred": true
"pets": {
    "cat": false,
    "dog": false,
    "amount": {
        "value1": false,
        "value2": false
    "shelter": false,
    "name_one": null,
    "name_two": null,
    "service_animal": false,
    "support_animal": false
"avatar_url": "",
"percent_complete": 0

Response: (200) - success


GET all members of a family: /families/:id/members

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

    "id": 1,
    "check_in": [
            "waitlist": false,
            "on_site_7pm": false,
            "on_site_10pm": false,
            "reservation_id": 1,
            "reservation_status": true
    "family_id": 1,
    "date_of_enrollment": "2020-10-09T04:00:00.000Z",
    "household_type": "Adults and Children",
    "length_of_stay": "16 weeks",
    "demographics": {
        "first_name": "Thomas",
        "last_name": "Shelby",
        "gender": "male",
        "relationship": "Dad",
        "DOB": "1-03-1988",
        "SSN": 9999,
        "income": 20000,
        "employer": "union",
        "race": [
        "ethnicity": "Caucasian"
    "barriers": {
        "alcohol_abuse": true,
        "developmental_disabilities": false,
        "chronic_health_issues": false,
        "drug_abuse": false,
        "HIV_AIDs": false,
        "mental_illness": false,
        "physical_disabilities": true,
        "list_indefinite_conditions": "NA",
        "list_issues": "NA"
    "schools": {
        "highest_grade_completed": "12th grade",
        "enrolled_status": false,
        "reason_not_enrolled": "finished",
        "attendance_status": "inactive",
        "school_type": "NA",
        "school_name": "NA",
        "mckinney_school": false
    "case_members": 3,
    "predicted_exit_destination": "permanent exit",
    "flag": null,
    "percent_complete": 0
    "id": 2,
    "check_in": [
            "waitlist": false,
            "on_site_7pm": false,
            "on_site_10pm": false,
            "reservation_id": 1,
            "reservation_status": true
    "family_id": 1,
    "date_of_enrollment": "2020-10-09T04:00:00.000Z",
    "household_type": "Adults and Children",
    "length_of_stay": "16 weeks",
    "demographics": {
        "first_name": "Jacob",
        "last_name": "Shelby",
        "gender": "female",
        "relationship": "Son",
        "DOB": "10-23-2015",
        "SSN": 9999,
        "income": 20000,
        "employer": null,
        "race": [
        "ethnicity": "Caucasian"
    "barriers": {
        "alcohol_abuse": false,
        "developmental_disabilities": false,
        "chronic_health_issues": false,
        "drug_abuse": false,
        "HIV_AIDs": false,
        "mental_illness": false,
        "physical_disabilities": false,
        "list_indefinite_conditions": "NA",
        "list_issues": "NA"
    "schools": {
        "highest_grade_completed": "Pre-Kindergarten",
        "enrolled_status": true,
        "reason_not_enrolled": "N/A",
        "attendance_status": "active",
        "school_type": "elementary",
        "school_name": "Wright",
        "mckinney_school": false
    "case_members": 3,
    "predicted_exit_destination": "temporary exit",
    "flag": null,
    "percent_complete": 0
    "id": 3,
    "check_in": [
            "waitlist": false,
            "on_site_7pm": false,
            "on_site_10pm": false,
            "reservation_id": 1,
            "reservation_status": true
    "family_id": 1,
    "date_of_enrollment": "2020-10-09T04:00:00.000Z",
    "household_type": "Adults and Children",
    "length_of_stay": "16 weeks",
    "demographics": {
        "first_name": "Maria",
        "last_name": "Shelby",
        "gender": "female",
        "relationship": "Mom",
        "DOB": "12-03-1992",
        "SSN": 9999,
        "income": 20000,
        "employer": null,
        "race": [
        "ethnicity": "Caucasian"
    "barriers": {
        "alcohol_abuse": false,
        "developmental_disabilities": false,
        "chronic_health_issues": false,
        "drug_abuse": false,
        "HIV_AIDs": false,
        "mental_illness": false,
        "physical_disabilities": false,
        "list_indefinite_conditions": null,
        "list_issues": null
    "schools": {
        "highest_grade_completed": "12th grade",
        "enrolled_status": false,
        "reason_not_enrolled": "finished",
        "attendance_status": "inactive",
        "school_type": null,
        "school_name": null,
        "mckinney_school": false
    "case_members": 3,
    "predicted_exit_destination": "temporary exit",
    "flag": null,
    "percent_complete": 0

Response: (200) - success


GET a family by user ID: /families/user/:id

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

"id": 1,
"user_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
"case_number": 22,
"phone_one": {
    "name": "Thomas Shelby",
    "number": "202-555-0177",
    "safeToLeaveMssg": true
"phone_two": {
    "name": "Maria Shelby",
    "number": "770-555-0114",
    "safeToLeaveMssg": false
"safe_alternate": {
    "name": "Mark Shelby",
    "number": "809-323-5959"
"emergencyContact": {
    "name": "Steve Martin",
    "number": "410-555-0173"
"vehicle": {
    "make": "BMW",
    "year": 2007,
    "color": "red",
    "model": "K1200LT",
    "license_plate": "699-VHT"
"last_permanent_address": "7271 Hickory Rd Sterling VA 20164 ",
"homeless_info": {
    "prior_location": "relatives",
    "current_location": "car",
    "num_times_homeless": 2,
    "total_len_homeless": 1,
    "homeless_start_date": "26-AUG-2019",
    "length_at_prior_location": "2 weeks",
    "length_at_current_location": "3 days"
"gov_benefits": {
    "RRH": false,
    "snap": true,
    "cps_fps": false,
    "foodstamps": true,
    "housing_voucher": false,
    "veteran_services": true
"insurance": {
    "pregnancies": false,
    "has_insurance": true,
    "members_covered": 2,
    "health_insurance_type": "Medicare"
"domestic_violence_info": {
    "fleeing_dv": false,
    "YWCA_contacted": false,
    "has_court_order": false,
    "date_last_incident": false,
    "anonymity_preferred": true
"pets": {
    "cat": false,
    "dog": false,
    "amount": {
        "value1": false,
        "value2": false
    "shelter": false,
    "name_one": null,
    "name_two": null,
    "service_animal": false,
    "support_animal": false
"avatar_url": "",
"percent_complete": 0

Response: (200) - success


GET all family household information: /families/:id/household

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

    "id": 1,
    "user_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "case_number": 22,
    "phone_one": {
        "name": "Thomas Shelby",
        "number": "202-555-0177",
        "safeToLeaveMssg": true
    "phone_two": {
        "name": "Maria Shelby",
        "number": "770-555-0114",
        "safeToLeaveMssg": false
    "safe_alternate": {
        "name": "Mark Shelby",
        "number": "809-323-5959"
    "emergencyContact": {
        "name": "Steve Martin",
        "number": "410-555-0173"
    "vehicle": {
        "make": "BMW",
        "year": 2007,
        "color": "red",
        "model": "K1200LT",
        "license_plate": "699-VHT"
    "last_permanent_address": "7271 Hickory Rd Sterling VA 20164 ",
    "homeless_info": {
        "prior_location": "relatives",
        "current_location": "car",
        "num_times_homeless": 2,
        "total_len_homeless": 1,
        "homeless_start_date": "26-AUG-2019",
        "length_at_prior_location": "2 weeks",
        "length_at_current_location": "3 days"
    "gov_benefits": {
        "RRH": false,
        "snap": true,
        "cps_fps": false,
        "foodstamps": true,
        "housing_voucher": false,
        "veteran_services": true
    "insurance": {
        "pregnancies": false,
        "has_insurance": true,
        "members_covered": 2,
        "health_insurance_type": "Medicare"
    "domestic_violence_info": {
        "fleeing_dv": false,
        "YWCA_contacted": false,
        "has_court_order": false,
        "date_last_incident": false,
        "anonymity_preferred": true
    "pets": {
        "cat": false,
        "dog": false,
        "amount": {
            "value1": false,
            "value2": false
        "shelter": false,
        "name_one": null,
        "name_two": null,
        "service_animal": false,
        "support_animal": false
    "avatar_url": "",
    "percent_complete": 0,
    "check_in": [
            "waitlist": false,
            "on_site_7pm": false,
            "on_site_10pm": false,
            "reservation_id": 1,
            "reservation_status": true
    "family_id": 1,
    "date_of_enrollment": "2020-10-09T04:00:00.000Z",
    "household_type": "Adults and Children",
    "length_of_stay": "16 weeks",
    "demographics": {
        "first_name": "Thomas",
        "last_name": "Shelby",
        "gender": "male",
        "relationship": "Dad",
        "DOB": "1-03-1988",
        "SSN": 9999,
        "income": 20000,
        "employer": "union",
        "race": [
        "ethnicity": "Caucasian"
    "barriers": {
        "alcohol_abuse": true,
        "developmental_disabilities": false,
        "chronic_health_issues": false,
        "drug_abuse": false,
        "HIV_AIDs": false,
        "mental_illness": false,
        "physical_disabilities": true,
        "list_indefinite_conditions": "NA",
        "list_issues": "NA"
    "schools": {
        "highest_grade_completed": "12th grade",
        "enrolled_status": false,
        "reason_not_enrolled": "finished",
        "attendance_status": "inactive",
        "school_type": "NA",
        "school_name": "NA",
        "mckinney_school": false
    "case_members": 3,
    "predicted_exit_destination": "permanent exit",
    "flag": null
    "id": 2,
    "user_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "case_number": 22,
    "phone_one": {
        "name": "Thomas Shelby",
        "number": "202-555-0177",
        "safeToLeaveMssg": true
    "phone_two": {
        "name": "Maria Shelby",
        "number": "770-555-0114",
        "safeToLeaveMssg": false
    "safe_alternate": {
        "name": "Mark Shelby",
        "number": "809-323-5959"
    "emergencyContact": {
        "name": "Steve Martin",
        "number": "410-555-0173"
    "vehicle": {
        "make": "BMW",
        "year": 2007,
        "color": "red",
        "model": "K1200LT",
        "license_plate": "699-VHT"
    "last_permanent_address": "7271 Hickory Rd Sterling VA 20164 ",
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        "number": "770-555-0114",
        "safeToLeaveMssg": false
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        "number": "809-323-5959"
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        "name": "Steve Martin",
        "number": "410-555-0173"
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        "year": 2007,
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        "race": [
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    "flag": null

Response: (200) - success


GET all notes of a family: /families/:id/notes

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

    "id": 1,
    "family_id": 1,
    "author_id": "00u2lgca4zIaSTPqE5d6",
    "subject": "Please be aware of sensitive information",
    "content": "Family came in after fire destroyed their home, young Jacob is still in the recovering.",
    "shareable": true,
    "date": "2020-12-14T05:00:00.000Z",
    "time": "2020-12-14T03:15:31.031Z"

Response: (200) - success


GET all logs of a family: /families/:id/logs

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

    "reservation_id": 1,
    "supervisor_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "family_id": 1,
    "reservation_status": true,
    "waitlist": false,
    "on_site_7pm": true,
    "on_site_10pm": true,
    "date": null,
    "time": null,
    "beds_reserved": 5,
    "actual_beds_reserved": 5,
    "members_staying": []
    "reservation_id": 2,
    "supervisor_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "family_id": 1,
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    "waitlist": false,
    "on_site_7pm": true,
    "on_site_10pm": true,
    "date": null,
    "time": null,
    "beds_reserved": 5,
    "actual_beds_reserved": 5,
    "members_staying": []

Response: (200) - success


POST a family: /families

HTTP Method: [POST]


Request Body

    "user_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "case_number": 22,
    "phone_one": {
        "name": "Thomas Shelby",
        "number": "202-555-0177",
        "safeToLeaveMssg": true
    "phone_two": {
        "name": "Maria Shelby",
        "number": "770-555-0114",
        "safeToLeaveMssg": false
    "safe_alternate": {
        "name": "Mark Shelby",
        "number": "809-323-5959"
    "emergencyContact": {
        "name": "Steve Martin",
        "number": "410-555-0173"
    "vehicle": {
        "make": "BMW",
        "year": 2007,
        "color": "red",
        "model": "K1200LT",
        "license_plate": "699-VHT"
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    "homeless_info": {
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        "homeless_start_date": "26-AUG-2019",
        "length_at_prior_location": "2 weeks",
        "length_at_current_location": "3 days"
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        "name_one": null,
        "name_two": null,
        "service_animal": false,
        "support_animal": false
    "avatar_url": "",
    "percent_complete": 0

Response: (200) - family created


PUT (edit) a family: /families/:id

HTTP Method: [PUT]


Request Body

    "id": 1,
    "user_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "case_number": 22,
    "phone_one": {
        "name": "Thomas Shelby",
        "number": "202-555-0177",
        "safeToLeaveMssg": true
    "phone_two": {
        "name": "Maria Shelby",
        "number": "770-555-0114",
        "safeToLeaveMssg": false
    "safe_alternate": {
        "name": "Mark Shelby",
        "number": "809-323-5959"
    "emergencyContact": {
        "name": "Steve Martin",
        "number": "410-555-0173"
    "vehicle": {
        "make": "BMW",
        "year": 2007,
        "color": "red",
        "model": "K1200LT",
        "license_plate": "699-VHT"
    "last_permanent_address": "7271 Hickory Rd Sterling VA 20164 ",
    "homeless_info": {
        "prior_location": "relatives",
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        "total_len_homeless": 1,
        "homeless_start_date": "26-AUG-2019",
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        "length_at_current_location": "3 days"
    "gov_benefits": {
        "RRH": false,
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        "cps_fps": false,
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        "veteran_services": true
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        "pregnancies": false,
        "has_insurance": true,
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        "health_insurance_type": "Medicare"
    "domestic_violence_info": {
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        "YWCA_contacted": false,
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        "date_last_incident": false,
        "anonymity_preferred": true
    "pets": {
        "cat": false,
        "dog": false,
        "amount": {
            "value1": false,
            "value2": false
        "shelter": false,
        "name_one": null,
        "name_two": null,
        "service_animal": false,
        "support_animal": false
    "avatar_url": "",
    "percent_complete": 0

Response: (200) - family updated


DELETE a family: /families/:id



Request Body

"id": 1,
"user_id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
"case_number": 22,
"phone_one": {
    "name": "Thomas Shelby",
    "number": "202-555-0177",
    "safeToLeaveMssg": true
"phone_two": {
    "name": "Maria Shelby",
    "number": "770-555-0114",
    "safeToLeaveMssg": false
"safe_alternate": {
    "name": "Mark Shelby",
    "number": "809-323-5959"
"emergencyContact": {
    "name": "Steve Martin",
    "number": "410-555-0173"
"vehicle": {
    "make": "BMW",
    "year": 2007,
    "color": "red",
    "model": "K1200LT",
    "license_plate": "699-VHT"
"last_permanent_address": "7271 Hickory Rd Sterling VA 20164 ",
"homeless_info": {
    "prior_location": "relatives",
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    "num_times_homeless": 2,
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    "homeless_start_date": "26-AUG-2019",
    "length_at_prior_location": "2 weeks",
    "length_at_current_location": "3 days"
"gov_benefits": {
    "RRH": false,
    "snap": true,
    "cps_fps": false,
    "foodstamps": true,
    "housing_voucher": false,
    "veteran_services": true
"insurance": {
    "pregnancies": false,
    "has_insurance": true,
    "members_covered": 2,
    "health_insurance_type": "Medicare"
"domestic_violence_info": {
    "fleeing_dv": false,
    "YWCA_contacted": false,
    "has_court_order": false,
    "date_last_incident": false,
    "anonymity_preferred": true
"pets": {
    "cat": false,
    "dog": false,
    "amount": {
        "value1": false,
        "value2": false
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    "name_one": null,
    "name_two": null,
    "service_animal": false,
    "support_animal": false
"avatar_url": "",
"percent_complete": 0

Response: (204) - family 1 was deleted


BEDS (start here)

GET all beds : /beds

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

    "id": 1,
    "total_beds": null

Response: (200) - success


PUT to update beds : /beds

HTTP Method: [PUT]


Request Body

    "id": 1,
    "total_beds": 6

Response: (200) - success


MEMBERS (start here)

GET a member: /members

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

    "id": 2,
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            "on_site_7pm": false,
            "on_site_10pm": false,
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    "household_type": "Adults and Children",
    "length_of_stay": "16 weeks",
    "demographics": {
        "first_name": "Jacob",
        "last_name": "Shelby",
        "gender": "female",
        "relationship": "Son",
        "DOB": "10-23-2015",
        "SSN": 9999,
        "income": 20000,
        "employer": null,
        "race": [
        "ethnicity": "Caucasian"
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        "list_issues": "NA"
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        "gender": "male",
        "relationship": "Dad",
        "DOB": "1-03-1988",
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    "predicted_exit_destination": "Permanent Exit",
    "flag": null,
    "percent_complete": 0


Response: (200) - success


GET a member by ID: /members/:id HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

      "id": 1,
"check_in": [
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        "on_site_7pm": true,
        "on_site_10pm": true,
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"family_id": 1,
"date_of_enrollment": "2020-10-09T04:00:00.000Z",
"household_type": "Adults and Children",
"length_of_stay": "16 weeks",
"demographics": {
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    "last_name": "Shelby",
    "gender": "male",
    "relationship": "Dad",
    "DOB": "1-03-1988",
    "SSN": 9999,
    "income": 20000,
    "employer": "union",
    "race": [
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"barriers": {
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    "drug_abuse": false,
    "HIV_AIDs": false,
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    "list_issues": "NA"
"schools": {
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    "reason_not_enrolled": "finished",
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    "school_name": "NA",
    "mckinney_school": false
"case_members": 3,
"predicted_exit_destination": "Permanent Exit",
"flag": null,
"percent_complete": 0

Response: (200) - success


POST a member: /members

HTTP Method: [POST]


Request Body

    "message": "member created",
"member": {
    "id": 4,
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    "demographics": {
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        "DOB": "12-03-1992",
        "SSN": 9999,
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        "employer": null,
        "race": [
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        "list_indefinite_conditions": null,
        "list_issues": null
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        "reason_not_enrolled": "finished",
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        "school_name": null,
        "mckinney_school": false
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    "predicted_exit_destination": "temporary exit",
    "flag": null,
    "percent_complete": 0

Response: (200) - success


DELETE a member by id: /members/:id



Request Body

"message": "member '4' was deleted.",
"members": {
    "id": 4,
    "check_in": [
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            "on_site_10pm": false,
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    "date_of_enrollment": "2020-10-09T04:00:00.000Z",
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    "demographics": {
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        "employer": null,
        "race": [
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        "list_issues": null
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        "reason_not_enrolled": "finished",
        "attendance_status": "inactive",
        "school_type": null,
        "school_name": null,
        "mckinney_school": false
    "case_members": 3,
    "predicted_exit_destination": "temporary exit",
    "flag": null,
    "percent_complete": 0

Response: (200) - success


USERS (start here)

GET current user: /users/me

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

        "user": {
    "id": "00u2lhigtb8N47Jii5d6",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Arthur",
    "last_name": "Shelby",
    "role": "supervisor"

Response: (200) - success


GET all users: /users

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

    "id": "00u2lgpiiPT4y3njs5d6",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Freddie",
    "last_name": "Thorne",
    "role": "executive_director"
    "id": "00u2lhigtb8N47Jii5d6",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Arthur",
    "last_name": "Shelby",
    "role": "supervisor"
    "id": "00u2lgca4zIaSTPqE5d6",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Linda",
    "last_name": "Shelby",
    "role": "case_manager"
    "id": "00u2lh0bsAliwLEe75d6",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Thomas",
    "last_name": "Shelby",
    "role": "guest"
    "id": "00u2lhpc533MESNSA5d6",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Ruby",
    "last_name": "Rose",
    "role": "pending"
    "id": "00u2lhpc533MESNSA5b7",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Rain",
    "last_name": "Williams",
    "role": "guest"

Response: (200) - OK


POST a user: /users/

HTTP Method: [POST]

Example: POST Body

    "id": "2",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Cameron",
    "last_name": "Lares",
    "role": "supervisor"

Request Body

        "message": "Profile created"

Response: (201) - success


GET all users by id: /users/:id

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body

"id": "2",
"email": "",
"first_name": "Cameron",
"last_name": "Lares",
"role": "supervisor"

Response: (200) - success


GET family by user id: /:id/family

HTTP Method: [GET]


Request Body



Response: (200) - success


UPDATE user by id: /users/:id/

HTTP Method: [PUT]

Cannot update user id or role


Request Body

"message": "profile updated",
"profile": {
    "id": "2",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Cam",
    "last_name": "L",
    "role": "supervisor"

Response: (200) - success


DELETE user by id: /users/:id



Request Body


Response: (200) - success