
Host and view your Awair data locally

Primary LanguageRust


Host and view your Awair data locally.

  • Store Awair data in your own database
  • View Awair data from a self hosted web-app (grafana).

freshawair grafana


freshawair is three macro components

  • agent - captures data from your awair(s) and load data into the database
  • database - timescale db instance
  • grafana - visualize your data


docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up

docker-compose is the primary supported deployment mechanism. Services may be deployed independently as desired, but users will need to adopt the docker-compose.yml configurations into the alternative desired format.

The agent has a CLI with all options configurable via ENV or CLI args:

$ docker run --rm -it cdaringe/freshawair --help
Usage: agent [OPTIONS] --db-host <DB_HOST> --db-port <DB_PORT>

      --awair-endpoint <AWAIR_ENDPOINT>
      --db-host <DB_HOST>
      --db-port <DB_PORT>
      --db-user <DB_USER>                  [default: fresh]
      --db-password <DB_PASSWORD>          [default: fresh]
      --poll-duration-s <POLL_DURATION_S>  [default: 60]
  -h, --help                               Print help
  -V, --version                            Print version

Postgres/TimescaleDB & Grafana configuration is left to the user. Sensible defaults are set in compose files.

local builds

The only supported mechanism for building is following:

  • install rad
  • ./rad build
  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up
  • visit grafana@localhost:3000 and select the prebuilt dashboard

See rad.ts or run rad --list for various actions.


Here are some typical CPU/Mem usage from the different components:

$ docker stats
NAME                      CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT
freshawair_freshagent_1   0.00%     2.355MiB / 5.641GiB
freshawair_grafana_1      0.05%     38.5MiB / 5.641GiB
freshawair_freshdb_1      0.01%     101.6MiB / 5.641GiB

Further tuning can be done to tweak the postgres & grafana runtime characteristics.