This repository has two use-case covered:
- hello-world-monokle : A getting started application to welcome you to Monokle.
- nginx-mariadb : Advanced level application to help you leverage power of Monokle towards error-free deployments
Let's dig deeper with each:
A simple nginx application to welcome you to Monokle.
- Install docker using this link
My personal favorite distro is Ubuntu and i prefer repository installation to keep things fresh. So i have used this method. Once docker is up and running, run following commands.
- Clone this repository.
cd ./hello-world-monokle
docker login -u "dockerhub-username"
docker build -t "image-name:tag" .
docker push "image-name:tag"
Check the image from your dockerhub account.
For learning purpose, you can make use of this image available on dockerhub: cerebro31/monokle-helloworld:latest
For further steps on how to get started with Kubernetes, head over to blogpost.
kustomize-helm-monokle$ kubectl get services | grep helloworld
helloworld LoadBalancer 80:32078/TCP 2m22s
Tip: Make sure you have minikube tunnel
running in background.
kustomize-helm-monokle$ curl
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Get started with Kubernetes
<h1>Hello World from Monokle!</h1>
A simple Nginx-Mariadb application with kustomize-helm. We have used Bitnami Helm Chart.
- Install Monokle.
- Start Monokle and Select "Clone a Git repo"
- Click on "View Kustomizations" to view overlays and click on deploy. Please create dev and prod namespace for respective overlays.
- Click on "View Helm Charts" to view charts and click on deploy.
Tips for setup:
- You need to run "helm dependency build" in mariadb directory
- Install and start minikube if you want to run application on local cluster.
Some CLI based help and commands:
helm install --dry-run --debug mariadb
kubectl create namespace dev
kustomize build overlay/dev | kubectl -n dev apply -f -
kubectl create namespace prod
kustomize build overlay/prod | kubectl -n prod apply -f -