
thread-safe lock-free implementation of LIFO with unique elements

Primary LanguageScala


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implementation of LIFO with unique elements.

Actually, here is several implementations:

  • AkkaBasedCache uses actor to gurantee sequential access. This is the slowest one. Logically, same can be achieved with synchronized. All other implementations here are CompareAndSwap based (except TrivialCache), so they are completely lock-free.
  • LinearAccessAndConstantPut uses TrieMap (works pretty same as ConcurrentHashMap) in combination with atomic vector clock. putIfAbscent is used for atomic put. That's pretty fast, but getting a head takes linear time, so it's not recommended for big collections.
  • ConstantOperations is the fastest one for bigger data. All operations are effectively constant. It's based on TrieMap + ConcurrentLinkedDeque. Both are using AtomicReferences inside... no locks. The code is simple but synchronisation isn't trivial, so the more travis-ci builds was ran - the better. Deque itself may contain duplicating elements for a while (it's eventually consistent), but Map will always guarantee uniqueness and used as a primary source. So, this implementation guarantees sequential consistency (provides happens-before relationships) as usual. However, it may reorder puts between threads, which means that you may win your put to other thread (receive true from add), but actually another object with same hashCode may be returned from peek/take(). So, be careful with comparisons - use == instead of reference equality (eq).
  • TrivialCache is synchronized + LinkedHashSet implementation. It's slower than all except akka-based

P.S. T99.scala - this is just T9 search tool. It's here because it's part of exercise.