DataServer - Exercise

REST workout

Now we wanna train again our REST call muscle. If we can REST, we will rest in more peace.

  • Find the given server.js file

    • here we got some small Express app... and a magical array of fruits
  • Do npm i express to install express

  • Create the classical 5 routes to manage your fruits

    • Setup two GET routes (one for getting all & one for getting one specific fruit)
    • Setup POST, PATCH, DELETE routes for changing fruits
      • PATCH route: Allow updating of a single field (name / color) or both fields in one call!
    • Setup body parsing (app.use( express.json() ))
      • only that way someone can send data (= a body) to our API...
  • Do route testing with RESTED / POSTMAN

    • Perform a POST & PATCH call with sending in some fields
    • Console log the body in your POST & PATCH routes
  • Bonus: Provide a route /fruits/plain

    • Instead of your array of fruit objects: return an array of just the fruit names!
      • example: ['Banana', 'Cherry', 'Lemon']
      • you remember what to use, if you wanna convert each element in an array into something else... right? :) I just say: Map it or leave it
  • Bonus: Get me an array of all fruit colors we have

    • Each color should only be included ONCE in the array, so we don't get an array with duplicates.
      • e.g. we do not want to have ['green', 'green', 'orange'], we want ['green', 'orange'] instead
    • Hint: You can do this in several ways, like always