Unit 15 Assessement

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Intermediate JavaScript (and a bit of AJAX)

Answer the conceptual questions on this short Google Form to the best of your ability.

Refactor a Game

I have invented the most mind-numbing game imaginable. You just click on squares to get points.

Helpful hints:

  1. If you want to set a data attribute via jQuery you MUST use $(selectorHere).attr('data-thing', value). The jQuery data() method is READ ONLY.
  2. If you want a simple native JavaScript method to duplicate an array use array.slice() with no arguments. It returns a new array with the same contents.


You've been provided with default CSS, no need to style at all!


Open just-clicking/index.html in your browser. Click a few squares and get a feel for how the game works.

Notice that all of the files in just-clicking/js/ are included at the bottom of just-clicking/index.html. You will need to comment out or remove the script tag for main.js once you begin coding your refactored version of the game.


Now look at just-clicking/js/main.js. You will find that the entire game is stuffed into a $(document).ready() call. Refactor this code to use the MVC and the Revealing Module Pattern.

NOTE: You've been provided with Underscore.js specifically for it's _.shuffle function. This makes it simple to choose a random square.



You must namespace your model, view, and controller under the JC object.


Use this file as the bootstrap (start up) file for your game.


The controller will need the model and view. The view will need jQuery. The model will need Underscore.

Inject these dependencies into your modules, via dependency injection.

JC.model in just-clicking/js/model.js

Public Methods:
  • getScore()
    • returns the current player score
  • getSquares()
    • returns an array of 0s or 1s representing active and inactive squares (1 DIMENSIONAL)
  • activateRandomSquare()
    • randomly sets the first found inactive square, if all squares are active it has no effect on any square's state
  • processSquareClick(index)
    • if the square at the specified index is active (1)
      • it is set to inactive (0)
      • 10 points are added to the score

Visibility: The score and array of squares (integers) must NOT be directly modifiable i.e. they should be private variables. If a player edits the #score span in the console, it should reset on their next click. They should NOT exist as properties on the public API of JC.model.

Coupling: The model must not call the controller or view. Any information that the model needs must be passed explicitly to it.

JC.view in just-clicking/js/view.js

Public Methods:
  • init(onClick)
    • accepts an onClick callback function as a parameter
      • this callback should be used to send the index of the clicked square to the controller (loosely couples your view and controller)
    • initializes any attributes on HTML .square elements needed to identify them (data attributes are your friend)
    • sets up your click event listeners
  • updateSquares(dataSquares)
    • accepts an array of integers as the data representation of the squares
    • correctly renders the squares applying an active class to those with an active value
  • updateScore(points)
    • accepts a points parameter
    • updates the view's scoreboard with the passed value

Coupling: The view must be passed everything in needs to update and callback upon firing click events. No calls or references to the controller or model go in the view.

JC.controller in just-clicking/js/controller.js

Public Methods:
  • init()
    • should initialize the view and pass an onClick callback to receive messages from click events
    • should set up the game loop so a square is activated every second (1000 ms)

Mediator: The controller must handle all communication between the model and view. If a model or view method needs to be called, the controller is where it must happen.

Updating Data and Rendering: Because the controller mediates between the view and model, it is the job of the controller to handle when data is modified and when the view is updated.

BONUS (Only if you complete the above!)

  1. Implement a version of the game where the board size iterates up by 1 after every 100 points.