
Project management with that great wobbly taste.

Primary LanguageRuby

assignment_djello - JOHN and DEEPA

Project management with that great wobbly taste.

Card should be created only by board owner?


devise stuff


id : integer name : string user_id : integer --> foregign reference (belongs to a user)


id : integer board_id : integer title : string description: string


id : integer title : string Description : string completed : boolean ? (false for not completed , true for completed) compelete_date : date list_id : integer --> belongs to list priority : integer


id : integer card_id : integer user_id : ineteger (name this member_id?)


  1. User has_many boards User has_many cards through card_members User has_many lists through boards

  2. Board belongs_to User Board has_many lists Board has_many cards through cards

  3. List belongs_to board List has_many cards List has_one user (owner) through board

  4. Card belongs_to one list Card has_many members (users) though card_members Card has_one board through list

  5. Card Member belongs user (foreign user_id) Card Member belongs to card (foreign id card_id)


user_id / card_id / list_id / board_id cannot be null anywhere user_id / card_id / list_id / board_id exist in their primary table

title for board, card and list cannot be blank description for card cannot be blank

priority for card is unique within a list ?

Card - completed starts as false Can be changed from false to true Compeleted date is auto populated

Cannot delete user

Only board owner can create / delete list or card for the board?

Delete a board --> deletes all its lists and cards and card_members Delete a list --> deletes all its cards and card_members Delete a card --> deletes all its card_members


Main Layout Board View Multiple List - nested under board Multiple cards


  1. User create seed
  2. Do devise authetication (Rails only)
  3. Board Create Board Controller loading a board should get all its lists and cards and card members