
Export Sonarqube results in json, currently supporting Sonarcloud.io, created to use with DefectDojo

Primary LanguagePython

Sonarqube Exporter created to be used with DefectDojo

I created this code to be used with the DefectDojo Sonarqube import detailed results.

This code uses another python lib python-sonarqube-api .


pip install -r requirements.txt

Get your Sonarcloud tokend and export it on your shell export SONARCLOUD_TOKEN=""

➜ python sonarcloud_json.py -h
usage: sonarcloud_json.py [-h] [--severities SEVERITIES] [--types TYPES] [--url URL] [--filename FILENAME]

Sonarcloud JSON Exporter v0.1

positional arguments:
  repo                  <organization_repo> can be seen in URL id: https://sonarcloud.io/project/issues?id=

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --severities SEVERITIES
                        default is all, can be comma separated
  --types TYPES         default is VULNERABILITY only, can be comma separated
  --url URL             default is https://sonarcloud.io
  --filename FILENAME   default is <organization_repo>.json

repo is the only argument mandatory, by default it will only fetch issue of the type VULNERABILITY and from all severities. Default URL used is https://sonarcloud.io

This create a json file with all the issues of the target organization_repo.