- 2
- 0
- 4
Error while loading plugin class in com.intellij.util.lang.UrlClassLoader.loadClassInsideSelf
#191 opened by foto-andreas - 2
Slow operations are prohibited on EDT
#192 opened by foto-andreas - 1
Suppressing Inspections
#190 opened by ItsEmpa - 1
Calling a LivePlugin function from Ideavim?
#189 opened by MostHated - 3
Severe performance degradation in 2024.1, 2024.2
#184 opened by endorh - 8
Cannot depend on org.jetbrains.kotlin in latest Idea
#186 opened by grsky360 - 4
- 1
- 7
Create standalone executable from the plugin
#169 opened by shpakkrll - 0
- 4
plugin cause idea console soft wrap not work
#182 opened by towith - 12
- 2
Call code of other plugins in IntelliJ
#164 opened by DasOhmoff - 2
changeGlobalVar does not work in Kotlin
#180 opened by DasGandlaf - 6
Project Plugin"dependency-rules"
#178 opened by Cui-xf - 4
- 5
- 2
Language Injection
#173 opened by JarriqTheTechie - 3
Is it possible to unregister registered InspectionSuppressor of some plugin?
#176 opened by Yoskaldyr - 2
How to register a Line Marker?
#174 opened by PedroAugustoRamalhoDuarte - 6
- 0
How to get the Sources of the API's shown instead of the `Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA`?
#171 opened by thochguertel-cgs - 1
Rider EAP support?
#170 opened by sid-6581 - 2
How to rerun plugins under .live-plugins folder
#168 opened by shpakkrll - 2
Copy Paste files into live plugin folder
#166 opened by shpakkrll - 2
- 0
Runs but whole file red
#165 opened by Xyndra - 8
- 0
How to create a class in package?
#163 opened by Nick-The-Uncharted - 6
how to depend on this plugin when developing a plugin
#160 opened by kastork - 2
Rerun or Run Last Plugin Action
#161 opened by jkavalec - 2
- 1
Cannot create listener liveplugin.implementation.pluginrunner.kotlin.PackagedPluginDynamicLifecycle
#158 opened by theapache64 - 4
- 2
- 5
not work with idea 2023.1 eap 4
#156 opened by towith - 2
Upgrading to 231.*
#155 opened by BFergerson - 0
Groovy plugin in CLion: how can I highlight problems in a source file?
#153 opened by ssproessig-thales - 0
- 2
- 4
- 2
How to access plugin Javapackages ?
#148 opened by cmp-nct - 2
Having plugin enabled in Android Studio Electric Eel Beta 1 prevents project from opening
#147 opened by matejdro - 2
- 2
DataGrip User... Have a DB Based Linter, and to call it, output errors to Problems List...
#144 opened by kirkw - 2
View debugging info/errors?
#145 opened by UnbridledGames - 1
Plugin with project specific dependencies
#142 opened by winterspan - 0