
Local Adaptive integration

Primary LanguageC++


Local Adaptive integration

Everything is in LAInt.hpp. The class LocalAdaptive has two static methods: partialIntegral and integrate. The first calculates the integral in a cell, and subdivides it until two consecutive subdivisions give almost the same result. The second method, runs the first in the entire integration region.

The signature of integrate is:

template< class LD >

lai::LocalAdaptive< LD >::integrate(funcType integrand, const std::vector<std::vector> &X, const LD & atol, const LD & rtol, const unsigned int & maxDivisions, integrationRuleType integrationRule) ,

where LD is the numeric type, funcType = std::function<LD(LD x,...)>, and integrationRuleType = std::function<LD(std::function<LD(LD)> integrand, const LD & x0, const LD & x1)>.

The arguments are:

  1. integrand: the integrand.
  2. X: integration cells for each dimension. These are the ones that will be subdivided.
  3. atol,rtol: absolute and relative tolerance. These are used to decide whether the integral in a cell has converged.
  4. maxDivisions: Maximum number of subdivisions of each cell.
  5. integrationRule: Integration rule to be used.

For one dimesnional integrals, one can use functions of the type std::function<LD(LD x)> and X as std::vector<LD>. Other than that, everything is identical.

Note: You can implement a new integration rule as

template< class LD >

LD Rule(std::function< LD(LD) > integrand, const LD & x0, const LD & x1) {return integral for [x0,x1];}