
Non-Standard Cosmologies in C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Non-Standard Cosmologies in C++ z Get the stable (recommended) version by running

    git clone -b stable https://github.com/dkaramit/NSCpp

The most recent (assumed under development) version by running

    git clone https://github.com/dkaramit/NSCpp.git
	cd NSCpp
	git submodule init
	git submodule update --remote

Once everything is downloaded, run bash configure.sh in the root directory of NSC++. This creates a few things that NSC++ may need.

Relativistic degrees of freedom of the plasma

NSC++ comes with tabulated RDOF as calculated in 2005.03544 (in NSCpp/src/data/eos_2020.dat). However, this one can use another file when calling the Cosmo class costructor (see below). Ideally, the RDOF we choose should be changed by assigning a path to another file to the cosmo_PATH variable in the file NSCpp/Paths.mk before running bash configure.sh. The main reason is that this script makes sure that the data file complies with the requirements of NSC++; that is, the file must be in format:

$T$ (in GeV) $h_{\rm eff}(T)$ $g_{\rm eff}(T)$

with increasing $T$.

Using NSC++

NSC++ is a header-only library with no external dependencies appart from a c++ compiler that supports the c++17 standard. That is, NSC++ only needs to be included in a c++ source file. Then, at compilation one only needs to specify the path to the NSC++ root directory using the -I flag.

NSC++ can also be used directly from python scripts. To do this, one needs to run

    make lib

in the root directory of NSC++. Then, the NSC++ modules can be used in a script as:

    from sys import path as sysPath
    from interfacePy.Evolution import Evolution 
    from interfacePy.Cosmo import Cosmo 

with 'path_to_src' the path to NSCpp/src relative to the tocation of the script.


In arXiv:2301.08253 you can find description the classes and function in detail. However, it is worth showing an example in c++ and python here.



//Include everything you need from NSC++
int main(){
    //Use cosmo_PATH to interpolate heff and geff from T=0 to T=mP.
    nsc::Cosmo<long double> plasma(cosmo_PATH, 0, nsc::Cosmo<long double>::mP);
    //Declare Evolution instance using the Rosenbrock method RODASPR2
    nsc::Evolution<long double,1,RODASPR2<long double>> BE;
    //Declare parameters
    long double TEND=1e-2, c=3, Ti=1e7, ratio=1e-2, TSTOP=1e-4, umax=200;
    bool check=BE.solveNSC(TEND, c, Ti, ratio, TSTOP, umax, &plasma,
                    .initial_step_size=1e-2, .minimum_step_size=1e-8, .maximum_step_size=1e-2, 
                    .absolute_tolerance=1e-11, .relative_tolerance=1e-11, .beta=0.9, 
                    .fac_max=1.2, .fac_min=0.8, .maximum_No_steps=10000000
        // If the solver returns true, the solver probably worked.
        //print the results and the errors
        for(size_t i=0; i<BE.pointSize; ++i ){
        // If the solver returns false, you may need a larger umax.
        std::cerr<<"Something went wrong. Try using larger value for umax\n";
    return 0;

Assuming that this code is in NSCpp/UserSpace and has a name example.cpp, it can be simply compiled by

g++ -I../ -O3 -std=c++17 example.cpp -o example

It can also be compiled using clang as

clang -lstdc++ -lm -I../ -O3 -std=c++17 example.cpp -o example


# append the path to the src directory 
from sys import path as sysPath

#load the NSC module
from interfacePy.Evolution import Evolution 

# load Cosmo and the Planck mass
from interfacePy.Cosmo import Cosmo,mP 

#This gives you access to the path of the rdof file.
from misc_dir.path import cosmo_PATH

#Instance of the Cosmo class. Interpolate from T=0 to T=mP

# Evolution instance

# solve the system
check,time=BE.solveNSC(TEND=1e-2, c=3, Ti=1e7, ratio=1e-2, umax=500, TSTOP=1e-4, plasma=plasma,
    initial_step_size=1e-2, minimum_step_size=1e-8, maximum_step_size=1e-2, 
    absolute_tolerance=1e-11, relative_tolerance=1e-11, beta=0.9, fac_max=1.2, 

if check:
    # get points 
    # get errors


    for i,u in enumerate(BE.u):
    print("Something went wrong. Try using larger value for umax")

#run the destructors
del BE
del plasma

This script can be ran after make lib has finished. Here we assume that the path of this script is NSCpp/UserSpace. If it is located in another directory, we only need to change sysPath.append('../src') to sysPath.append('path_to_src') as described before.

If you have trouble using the library I would be happy to help.

Contact e-mail: dkaramit@yahoo.com, dimitrios.karamitros@manchester.ac.uk.


If you use NSC++ please cite it as

    author = "Karamitros, Dimitrios",
    title = "{NSC++: Non-Standard Cosmologies in C++}",
    eprint = "2301.08253",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "astro-ph.CO",
    month = "1",
    year = "2023"

Accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communications!



You can use NSC++ to produce the non-standard cosmological input that MiMeS needs. MiMeS is an axion/ALP simulator. The stable version of MiMeS can be found: github.com/dkaramit/MiMeS/tree/stable.