Not a Black Box ODE Solver

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Not a Black Box ODE Solver

ODE solvers that anyone should be able to take, hack, and use for specific problems they might be interested in solving. The plan is to be able to use the skeleton of RK methods, and be able to pass as arguments everything from just the Butcher tableau to specific step control, and optimizing every step for a chosen RK method. Examples on how to use the code are given, although documentation should be included.

NaBBODES started as part of ASAP, but it evolved to an independent thing. Here we will be able to further improve it without keeping things as simple as possible. That said, the code should still be kept somewhat simple to allow the user to understand and modify it.


  • Stepsize controlers work, but add more choices.
  • Unify the solvers.
  • Add other, not embedded methods.
  • Documentation.

That's it for now.

