Price History

A management tool for small business owners to keep track of daily expenses, employees, and visualize data

This project is built using the Laravel Framework. See for documentation.

As of 1/16/2018 this project is still in development, but the master branch will allow full functionality of a basic daily tracking system of income for the day.

User composter to install packages, use Laravel's artisan tool with the command php artisan migrate to create the necessary DB tables.

2019-12-25 - Dockerized!

Local development has been dockerized. Production isn't dockerized. Run docker-compose up --build from the root directory and you should be good to go. Localhost is set up on port 8282 for localhost:8282. No more vagrant. Huzzah!

Docker data dump for MySQL

There is a new directory dump/price_history_2019-12-12.sql that contains a SQL dump file that will be used when creating a docker volume for MySQL. It is currently ignored my git, so you will have to grab the latest prod SQL dump or re-use your local dev dump. Or, atlernatively, don't import any dump and start a fresh DB with php artisan migrate.