
A webinterface for goblint

Primary LanguageOpa


A webinterface for goblint


Opa needs https://nodejs.org/.

xml to json converter (https://www.npmjs.com/package/xml-json). Because Opa is really bad at parsing xml (built-in parser but also own parsers produce stack overflows even for not very large files), xml is converted to json which is parsed by Opa. UPDATE: this issue seems to be related to an older version of nodejs I was testing with.

npm install xml-json -g


make run

and open


The goblint executable path is passed via the command line, default value is:


Change it in Makefile if necessary.

Make Targets

make run

starts the webserver on localhost:8080.

make test

does some tests (calls goblint-web with all files found in ../analyzer/tests/regression/ by default. You can change this filepath via command line)

make debug file="<filepath>"

debug goblint-web with a single file. It will process this file and open a browser aftwards, showing the outcome, if successful.

CommandLine Arguments

./goblint-web.exe --help

will show you all accepted command line arguments. Especially interesting are the ones in the section "Goblint Web parameters", the other ones are opalang options