
Windows 10 daily file is created with UNIX line endings - how to create with dos line endings \n\r via configuration file

rynes opened this issue · 4 comments

rynes commented
Windows 10 daily file is created with UNIX line endings - how to create with dos line endings \n\r via configuration file
rynes commented

od -cx 2021-03-03.txt
0000000000 [ W e d ] 0 3 M a r 2 0 2
575B 6465 205D 3330 4D20 7261 3220 3230
0000000020 1 \n \n \n \n _ _ _ T O D O _ _ _ \n
0A31 0A0A 5F0A 5F5F 4F54 4F44 5F5F 0A5F
0000000040 1 . t h i s i s s o m e t
2E31 7420 6968 2073 7369 7320 6D6F 7465
0000000060 h i n g \n \n \n \n _ _ _ D O N E _
6968 676E 0A0A 0A0A 5F5F 445F 4E4F 5F45
0000000100 _ _ \n \n \n \n _ _ _ N O T E S _ _
5F5F 0A0A 0A0A 5F5F 4E5F 544F 5345 5F5F
0000000120 _ \n \n \n \n
0A5F 0A0A 000A

Thank you for opening this issue. Would you be able to provide a bit more information? In particular, the following would be helpful:

  • Which version of textnote are you using? textnote --version
  • Is the $EDITOR environment variable set and if so what is it set to?
  • Do the files render correctly in the editor you are using?
  • Can you provide a bit more clarity with respect to the issue you are having? Is it simply a request that all newline characters can be configured to be \n\r instead of \n? I have to admit that I have no experience in a Windows environment and am unsure if this request is unique to the editor or shell you are using, or if it is globally necessary for Windows. Any insight you can provide will help my understanding.

Thanks again for taking the time to open this issue.

rynes commented

Thanks for sharing the information. I'm glad you found a solution that works, and am very glad that you are giving textnote a try! If it is helpful, the latest version (v1.1.1) does respect the $EDITOR environment variable so that textnote will open notes in your editor of choice. Thanks again for contributing the issue, I'll go ahead and close it as you've indicated.