Module for session handling. This module generates unique token for specified data and stores it in Redis DB. Session data can be validated using validate method. With each validation tokens duration is prolonged for specified TTL.
Supports TTL (Time To Live)
npm install ca-session-service
var redis = require('redis');
var CaSession = require('ca-session-service');
var sessionService = CaSession.init({
redis_client: new redis.createClient(PORT,HOST)
"ca-session-service" depends on npm package "redis" (v ^2.4.2). Redis isn't hard dependecy so that user can be more flexible in configuring and authenticating with Redis server.
You can override token's Time To Live and bytes lenght
var sessionService = CaSession.init({
redis_client: new redis.createClient(PORT,HOST),
token_TTL: 2 * 3600, // TTL in seconds, defaults to 2h
token_bytes_length: 24 // Tokens bytes lenght, defaults to 24 bytes
sessionService.create({user_id: 150, foo: 'bar'},
function(err, session){
//{token: "GENERATED_TOKEN_VALUE", user_id: 150, foo: "bar", createdAt: "2015-10-25 20:14:10"}
function(err, session){
//{user_id: 150, foo: "bar", createdAt: "2015-10-25 20:14:10"}
All methods support promise and callback pattern
//{user_id: 150, foo: "bar", createdAt: "2015-10-25 20:14:10"}
ca-session-service supports secondary indexes. If custom index is set, when session is created, extra new key is created, where key is equal to "{$index_property}:{$index_value}"
. Every token that belongs to specified index is added as member to set stored at key. For example, if you
create session with data {user_id: 150}
and property user_id is secondary index, after creating session, ca-session-service will add token as member of key "user_id:150"
This can be used for keeping track of all active user's token's, and deleting them upon closing account.
sessionService.create({user_id: 150, foo: 'bar'},
function(err, session){
//{token: "SOME_RANDOM_TOKEN", user_id: 150, foo: "bar", createdAt: "2015-10-25 20:14:10"}
// as defined in custom indexes, "user_id:150" key now contains all associated tokens
redis_client.smembers("user_id:150", function(err, members){
// members contain all tokens
// now you can delete all tokens from redis db associated with user
- Make sure you have redis DB running on default port and host
npm test