
Evernote SDK for JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Evernote SDK for JavaScript

Evernote API version 2.0.0-beta

What is this

A JavaScript API around the Evernote Cloud API.

Required reading

Please check out the Evernote Developers portal page.


Download via npm - npm i --save evernote

Use OAuth for authentication

Details on the OAuth process are available here.

Here are the basic steps for OAuth using the Evernote client:

var callbackUrl = "http://localhost:3000/oauth_callback"; // your endpoint

// initialize OAuth
var Evernote = require('evernote');
var client = new Evernote.Client({
  consumerKey: 'my-consumer-key',
  consumerSecret: 'my-consumer-secret',
  sandbox: true, // change to false when you are ready to switch to production
  china: false, // change to true if you wish to connect to YXBJ - most of you won't

client.getRequestToken(callbackUrl, function(error, oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret) {
  if (error) {
    // do your error handling here
  // store your token here somewhere - for this example we use req.session
  req.session.oauthToken = oauthToken;
  req.session.oauthTokenSecret = oauthTokenSecret;
  res.redirect(client.getAuthorizeUrl(oauthToken)); // send the user to Evernote

// at callbackUrl - "http://localhost:3000/oauth_callback" in our example. User sent here after Evernote auth
var client = new Evernote.Client({
  consumerKey: 'my-consumer-key',
  consumerSecret: 'my-consumer-secret',
  sandbox: true,
  china: false,
function(error, oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret, results) {
  if (error) {
    // do your error handling
  } else {
    // oauthAccessToken is the token you need;
    var authenticatedClient = new Evernote.Client({
      token: oauthToken,
      sandbox: true,
      china: false,
    var noteStore = authenticatedClient.getNoteStore();
    noteStore.listNotebooks().then(function(notebooks) {
      console.log(notebooks); // the user's notebooks!

Use with Node


You can install the module using npm.

npm install evernote

You can see the actual OAuth sample code in sample/express - most of the relevant code is in routes/index.js.


Once you acquire a token, you can get a handle to the UserStore client, with all the methods documented in our api. For example, if you want to call UserStore.getUser:

var client = new Evernote.Client(token: token);
var userStore = client.getUserStore();
userStore.getUser().then(function(user) {
  // user is the returned User object

All methods return Promises/A+. The authentication token is injected into the method call, so you should omit the auth token argument for all UserStore API calls.


Once you acquire a token, you can get a handle to the NoteStore client, with all the methods documented in our api. For example, if you want to call NoteStore.listNotebooks: If you want to call NoteStore.listNotebooks:

var client = new Evernote.Client(token: token);
var noteStore = client.getNoteStore();
noteStore.listNotebooks().then(function(notebooks) {
  // notebooks is the list of Notebook objects

If you want to search for notes with specific content (using NoteStore.findNotesMetadata), you must create a filter and a spec object first:

var Evernote = require('evernote');
var client = new Evernote.Client(token: token);
var noteStore = client.getNoteStore();
var filter = new Evernote.NoteStore.NoteFilter({
  words: ['one', 'two', 'three'],
  ascending: true
var spec = new Evernote.NoteStore.NotesMetadataResultSpec({
  includeTitle: true,
  includeContentLength: true,
  includeCreated: true,
  includeUpdated: true,
  includeDeleted: true,
  includeUpdateSequenceNum: true,
  includeNotebookGuid: true,
  includeTagGuids: true,
  includeAttributes: true,
  includeLargestResourceMime: true,
  includeLargestResourceSize: true,

noteStore.findNotesMetadata(filter, 0, 500, spec).then(function(notesMetadataList) {
  // data.notes is the list of matching notes

NoteStore for linked notebooks

Similar to above, you can get a handle to other NoteStores, eg a NoteStore for a linked notebook. Here's an example of getting tags for a notebook you have joined:

var linkedNotebook = noteStore.listLinkedNotebooks().then(function(linkedNotebooks) {
  // just pick the first LinkedNotebook for this example
  return client.getSharedNoteStore(linkedNotebooks[0]);
}).then(function(sharedNoteStore) {
  return sharedNoteStore.listNotebooks().then(function(notebooks) {
    return sharedNoteStore.listTagsByNotebook(notebooks[0].guid);
  }).then(function(tags) {
    // tags here is a list of Tag objects

NoteStore for Business

Simiarl to above, you can get a handle to a NoteStore for a business, if the user is a business user If you want to get the list of notebooks in your business account:

var client = new Evernote.Client(token: token);
var noteStore = client.getBusinessNoteStore();
noteStore.listNotebooks(function(notebooks) {
  // notebooks here is the list of notebook objects


You can find a sample app with express under 'sample/express'. npm install there, copy config.json.template to config.json and add your info in it, then npm run start to test the sample app.



Things that we need help on:

  • Unit tests
  • Documentation To build from source, npm run build from the root. This will create a lib directory with the module. npm pack will create a tarball with the artifacts that get deployed to the npm registry, and the sample express app is helpful to verify it - just unzip the tarball into the sample/express/node_modules/evernote directory and use that for testing.


Does the API support CORS (Cross origin resource sharing)


I can't figure out how to do something

Check stackoverflow first, and if you don't find your answer there, open up an issue. Please note that a few of us devs are taking time out of our regular jobs to support this SDK - we don't currently have a dedicated SDK team.

Think you found a bug in our client?

Awesome. Create an issue and submit a PR (be sure to run our linter first) and we'll take a look. If you can't figure out how to fix it, create an issue and we'll take a look when we have a moment.