
Raspberry Pi Cam setup to take snap shots of caffeine addicts who don't follow proper keurig etiquette

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project to capture caffiene addicts in the act.

  • Contact closures on two keurig coffee makers triggers the pi cam to take snapshots of the guilty parties.
  • Python script handles the contact closure inputs, cam interface, and file management.
  • crontab runs a shell script that calls the main python script upon system startup
  • Snapshots are stored into a local directory.
  • LAMP stack serves a PHP page which displays the latest snapshots on a webpage.

Major Custom Components:

  • Pyhton script
  • script launcher
  • PHP webpage


  • Raspberry pi Zero W
  • Raspbery pi camera
  • 2 x contact closures
  • 2 x resistors


  • Python
  • LAMP
  • crontab

Script Launcher Instructions: Uses Crontab to call launcher.sh which calls python script

  • At command type>> crontab -e
    • Add the line below at the bottom of the file:
    • @reboot sh /home/pi/path_to_launcher_dir/launcher.sh >/home/pi/logs/cronlog 2>&1
    • ensure that the launcher is an executable (chmod 777 if necessary).
    • Ensure that file path in launcher.sh to python script is correct

All Credit for PHP/Javascript album go to:

Known issues:

  • memory overflow of snapshots are not manually removed periodically