
Python Ethereum Price Ticker using a HT1632c driven LED matrix display

Primary LanguageC


Python script that continuously grabs the current etheruem price via coinbase API and displays it via most HT1632c driven LED matrix displays.


Utlizes the Python HT1632 library by mchester https://github.com/mchestr/HT1632C-Python (out of date install instructions, see below)

I have cloned and updated the installation instructions and stored them here: https://github.com/dkaulukukui/HT1632C-Python

I have included the modified HT1632C-Python files used for my setup in this repo.

Execute the following commands to have an updated package database, and to install python-dev and git-core:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo apt-get install git

sudo apt-get install -y python-setuptools

You are now ready to install the wiringPi library. You may have a look at http://wiringpi.com/ for further information and documentation. WiringPi is PRE-INSTALLED with standard Raspbian systems.

To update or install on a Raspbian-Lite system:

sudo apt-get install wiringpi

Enable SPI on Board

This is done through raspi-config. Go

sudo raspi-config

Select Option 5 Interfacing Options Select Option P4 SPI Select Yes to enable SPI

After all of that you should be able to clone this git and run an example I have

git clone git://github.com/dkaulukukui/Pi_Ethereum_Price_Ticker.git

Navigate to the HT Directory and install

 cd Pi_Ethereum_Price_Ticker/HT1632C-Python
 sudo python setup.py install

Start by running the wipe example

 cd examples
 sudo python wipe.py

NOTE: Any changes made after the initial install above to the panelconfig.h (or any of the ht1632 library files for that matter) file will require you to delete the entire "build" directory and then recompile.

sudo rm -r ./build (from HT1632C-Python directory)

sudo python setup.py install

You will now need to install pip and the feed parser python module: https://pypi.org/project/feedparser/

sudo apt-get install python-pip

sudo pip install feedparser
sudo pip install requests

Once the above is complete you should be able to run the main script:

 sudo python setup.py install


The SURE panel I am using is an older SURE0832 panel that still uses the newer HT1632C chipset.

SURE model 15151-11V110 however as of this writing I can no longer find it for sale online.

I have tested it with this cheap AliExpress version and it works plug and play:


They are being sold as "Lattice Breakout LED HT1632C Modules". For $8 you cant go wrong.


Using a Raspberry PI model Zero W, you need to connect some GPIO pins to the SURE matrix display port:

RPI Label Pin SURE Label Pin
5V 4 5V 16
GPIO 10 (MOSI) 19 DATA 7
GPIO 11 (SCLK) 23 WR 5
GPIO 8 (CE0) 24 CS1 2


  • When testing the the panel or the SPI interface tends to get hung up after making changes. Especially to any of the ht1632 library files and when recompiling. A soft reset of the raspi normally does the trick. Try disconnecting then reconnecting if that doesnt work.