Volcanic Rock Gym RGB LED Training Board

This project is to build climbing trainer board for Volcanic Rock Gym


  • Raspi Zero-W
  • WS2811 RGB led lighting string
  • 1000uF Capacitor for smoothing power inrush to Ws2811
  • IN4001 Diode
  • 3.3v to 5v logic level converter for raspi to WS2811 communications
  • Custom interface board
  • 6 x Arcade buttons (N.O.)

Software libraries:

  • Adafruit NeoPixel libraries

Function Description

  • The end product will be a climbing training board with various routines tied to buttons.
  • Press button 1, initiate routine 1, button 2 = routine 2 etc.
  • There will be one button which acts as a start/stop/reset button.
  • This button acts as a softswitch enabling or diabling the other buttons. The main python script is always running.
  • There are configuration files associated with this script:

Each climbing pattern has its own configuration file with the following format:

ROW(0-8) LED#(0-2) RED(0-255) GREEN(0-255) BLUE(0-255)

example pattern file:

  0 2 255 0 0
  1 0 0 0 255
  2 2 255 0 0
  3 0 0 0 255
  • The main file reads in this file into a list of lists which is then iterated through turning on each LED specified to the specified color.
  • Multiple LEDS in each row can be lit
0 2 255 0 0
0 0 0 0 255
2 2 255 0 0
2 0 0 0 255

Script Launcher

  • Python script is automatically launched using the systemd method.
  • RGB_Climber_service.service is created (see file for details)
    • ExecStart must be modified to match path of python script
    • ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/pi/path_to_script_dir/Main_RGB_Trainer.py
  • Place file into /lib/systemd/system/
  • service must then be enabled:
    • sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    • sudo systemctl enable sample.service
  • Status can be checked via:
    • sudo systemctl status RGB_Climber_service.service -l
  • Status can also be start/stopped via the same method:
    • sudo systemctl start RGB_Climber_service.service -l
    • sudo systemctl stop RGB_Climber_service.service -l