
Welcome to my portfolio!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Unit 08 Project 1 Homework: Professional Materials

Now that you've had some practice with APIs and have a project to share, you'll be updating your portfolio page and other materials to build toward being employer competitive.

If you are opting out of career services, this is still a required assignment. Part of being a web developer means being a part of a community. Having a place to share your projects is necessary if you're applying for jobs, but is still critical on your journey as a developer.


  • Updated portfolio featuring project 1 and two exemplary homework assignments.

  • Update GitHub profile with pinned repositories featuring project 1 and two exemplary assignments.

  • Updated resume

  • Updated LinkedIn profile


Requirement Weight
Portoflio 40%
GitHub Profile 40%
Resume 10%
LinkedIn Profile 10%


  1. Updated Portfolio
  2. GitHub Profile
  3. Updated Resume
  4. Updated LinkedIn

Updated Portfolio

Your updated site should have the following content:

  • Your name

  • Links to your GitHub profile & LinkedIn page as well as your email address and phone number

  • A link to a PDF of your resume

  • A list of projects. For each project, make sure you have the following:

    • Project title

    • Link to the deployed version

    • Link to the GitHub repository

    • Screenshot of the deployed application


Unfortunately, this is where it gets a little bit subjective. Your site should look "polished." Here are a few guidelines on what that means:

  • Mobile-first design

  • Choose a color palette for your site so it doesn't just look like the default bootstrap theme or an unstyled HTML site.

  • Make sure the font size is large enough to read, and that the colors don't cause eye strain.

Updated GitHub Profile

  • If you haven't yet, now is the time to update the following in your GitHub profile:

    • Profile picture

    • Bio

    • Location

    • Email

    • Link to your portfolio

  • Employers (and potential collaborators) will look at your GitHub profile, so put your best face forward.

  • Pin some repos that you want to highlight

    • Navigate to GitHub and go to your profile.

    • Click "Customize your pins"

    • Click the checkboxes for your project and 2-3 homework assignments that you would like to share

    • Make sure each of these projects is deployed and add a link to the deployed project in their README files

  • Follow your classmates. They are the beginning of your professional network and being a developer is as much about being a part of the community as it is writing code.

Updated Resume

Submit a clear, concise and compelling resume, tailored to the type of job you’re looking for.

Updated LinkedIn Profile

Update your LinkedIn Profile with a strong bio statement, a professional photo, and links to your Github and portfolio.

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