
Docker data volume container Arcanist

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Docker Data Volume Container Arcanist

This Docker image dkdde/arcanist consists of

  • defined and stable Git checkout of Arcanist
  • defined and stable Git checkout of libphutil

to be run as Docker Data Volume Container. PHP is not included.


Download latest Docker image:

$ docker pull dkdde/arcanist

or a specific version (tag):

$ docker pull dkdde/arcanist:arcanist-21fe07925b07_libphutil-d02cc05931b0

In this case 21fe07925b07 references a Git commit hash in the Arcanist repository, d02cc05931b0 points to a commit hash in the libphutil repository. See list of available tags at the Docker Hub project page.


Create data volume container, name it arcanist and expose /arc:

$ docker create -v /arc --name arcanist dkdde/arcanist:latest

Mount and run Arcanist executable (PHP v7.0):

$ docker run -it --volumes-from arcanist php:7.0-cli /arc/arcanist/bin/arc --help

Try another PHP version (e.g. v7.1):

$ docker run -it --volumes-from arcanist php:7.1-cli /arc/arcanist/bin/arc --help


Clone project and both Arcanist and libphutil sources into the project directory:

$ git clone https://github.com/dkd/docker-dkdde-arcanist.git
$ cd docker-dkdde-arcanist
$ git clone https://github.com/phacility/arcanist.git
$ git clone https://github.com/phacility/libphutil.git

Build image, tag appropriately and push to Docker Hub:

$ docker build . --tag dkdde/arcanist
$ docker push dkdde/arcanist