
Bash based GATK pipeline to process sequences on the general compute servers

Primary LanguagePerlBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Follow these instructions to run the GATK variant discovery pipeline.

The pipeline is broken into multiple parts.

Part 1 - preprocessing.sh
    * BWA MEM alignment of individual lane fastq
    * RG group annotation
    * Merging of individual lane fastq per sample
    * Deduplication of reads with PicardTools
    * Realignment of indels with GATK
    * Base score quality recalibration with GATK
    * Sequencing depth of coverage QC

1. cd to parent directory of project
2. Run prepocessing.sh
preprocessing.sh samples.no_groups.txt samples.lanes probe_ranges.list true
    arg1 = sample list; sample name in first column
    arg2 = sample and lane fastq connection; sample name in first column 
           and a single record of lane fastq
    arg3 = range list for probes in exome seq
           Modify script if using WGS
    arg4 = "true" if paired end
           "false" if single read

# Variant calling