This app is to help you track your hours and generate invoices for clients as a freelancer or consultant.
Table of Contents
- Users can keep track of the hours they work
- Users can select which project (client) they are working on
- Users can see a log of entries when they start the timer and stop the timer (manual entry for MVP)
- Users can set their hourly rate and business info in settings
- Users can generate an invoice for each client
- Users can see an overview of how much time they spent on each project over the last week/month/year
- Vue.js
- NW.js (desktop application framework for Node.js)
- Database (haven't chosen one yet)
- Bootstrap
This app assumes there is only one user for each install. user information is used for generating client invoices.
- firstName
- lastName
- streetAddress
- streetAddress2
- city
- state
- zip
- country
- phone
- billingDetails? -> this needs to be more thought out
- start: timestamp
- stop: timestamp
- notes: textfield
- project: FK
- name: charfield
- description: textfield
- color: charfield
- createdAt: timestamp
- updatedAt: timestamp
- text: textfield
- createdAt: timestamp
- updatedAt: timestamp
- project: FK
$dark-blue: #0D3B66
$off-white: #FAF0CA
$yellow: #F4D35E
$orange: #EE964B
$peach: #F95738
- Hours log table
- Add new hours entries
- Create new projects (to associate hours with)
- Settings
- Task tracking under projects
- Exports
- Billing Settings
- Notifications