
Truncates Silence In Videos By Jump Cutting

Primary LanguagePerl


A command line tool to remove silent frames from video files.


  • Make sure to install these first
    • ffmpeg
    • melt-7
    • ffprobe
    • perl

Basic Example

./jumpcutter.pl -i inputfile.mp4 -o output.mp4

With Parameters

./jumpuctter.pl -i inputfile.mp4 -o output.mp4 --duration=0.75 --padding=0.2
--threshold=-30dB --vcodec=libx265 --crf 17 --acodec=aac


-i --input             Input file, any acceptable format supported by your ffmpeg

-o --output            Output file, any acceptable format supported by your ffmpeg

--duration             Duration of silence that triggers truncation in seconds

--padding              Amount seconds to add back in before and after after the silence

--threshold            Level of decibels where silence occurs (default -30dB)

--noise                The amount of noise

--threads              Sets the number of threads (default: 8)

--vcodec               Video codec for the output file. Use --vcodec=list to see options

--crf                  CRF Value to give h264, h265 and other compabitble vcodecs.

--qscale               Q value for mjpeg, mpeg4, libxvid and other compatible vcodecs

--pix_fmt              Pixel format given to ffmpeg

--profile              Profile used in some vcodecs

--preset               Speed of encoding for h264, h265 and other compatible vcodecs

--real_time            Enable frame-dropping (positive) or disable frame-dropping (negative) (default: -4)

--acodec               Audio codec to use. (default=libopus)

--aq                   Q value used by some audio codecs

--keep                 Keep temprorary files

More Examples

Making mov files that will be compatible with Davinci Resolve

./jumpcutter.pl -i stream.mp4 -o jumped.mov --vcodec=mpeg4 --qscale=3 --acodec=pcm_s16be --aq=0

./jumpcutter.pl -i stream.mp4 -o jumped.mov --vcodec=mjpeg --qscale=2 --acodec=pcm_s16be --aq=0

./jumpcutter.pl -i stream.mp4 -o jumped.mov --vcodec=mjpeg --qscale=2 --acodec=libmp3lame --aq=0