This repository contains the project work of the two students Daniel Kellenberger and Benjamin Rüde.
- git clone
- cd cas-fee-2016-project-1
- npm install
- npm start
- access the application (
- Desktop
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Mobile
- Android with Chrome browser
- iOS
- Easy to use note application
- Easy to start with your first note. You simply can't miss the big button at your screen for adding your first note
- Application will know if there are no notes and will show you a big plus-sign for adding a note
- There is no annoying input validation. You can enter what you like, the system can handle it
- You have a fast feedback if you hit the save button and you can switch back to edit in no time
- All functions you wish
- Create note
- Edit a note
- Revert a note to his stored state
- Delete a note
- Give notes dates until they have to be finished
- Mark notes as finished
- Give notes a importance value between 1-5
- Filter and sort your notes for better overview
- Sort by create date
- Sort by importance
- Sort by date until job has to be done
- Show again finished notes
- Work on the same set with your friend at the same time
- Sharing new notes (new notes appear at the end)
- Sharing every edit and update
- Deleted notes by your friend will be removed immediately also on your screen
- Works with IOs and Android Browsers on your mobile
- You can even use all the share functions with your friends on your mobile device
- Change color to your favorite style
- Your selection get stored in the LocalStorage and will be persisted between visits
- Choose between 4 color sets
- Multi edit and new notes is possible
- You can have multiple notes in edit mode: They will stay in edit mode even if you hit the sort or filter buttons
- You can start with multiple new notes: They will stay at any time at the top of the list and will not be affected by sorting oder filtering
- The Application uses a REST-API on a node.js server for storing notes on a nedb.
- It is possible to send your web socket id through the rest interface. The web socket event will contain your id.
- Events for create, update and delete of notes are shared by a web socket with the id of the note and the socketId if present. The client can then decide what he want to to with it. (Future feature)
- For the color switching CSS properties are used (-> No big dom changes needed or complicate selectors).
- Handelbars is used for doing all the template rendering.
- There is a jquery-extension which allows the ajax-json-parser to identify date objects and convert them back to date objects instead of strings.
- UUID is used for creating unique IDs for all notes
- Everything in the application is set to the application namespace, there are no global definitions.
- Responsive layout based on flex structure
Method | CMD | Description |
/rest/notes | GET | Returns all persisted notes |
/rest/notes | POST | Adds a new note |
/rest/notes/model/ | GET | Gets a template model |
/rest/notes/:id | GET | Returns a note with the given id |
/rest/notes/:id | PUT | Updates a note by the given id |
/rest/notes/:id | DELETE | Deletes a note by the given id |
####Special Headers#### It is possible to send the header 'X-Note-Socket-ID' with a request. If you do the event created by the websocket because of your request will contain your socket id an can be used on the client side to identify your own events.