
Mobile Device Keyboard

Primary LanguageJava

Project Name

Mobile Device Keyboard


  • Java 8
  • Maven 3.6


Please run the following commands from inside the project folder:

mvn package


Tests can be run separate from the package phase by running the following command from inside the project folder:

mvn test


To execute the program from inside the project folder please run the following command:

java -cp target\autocompleteprovider-0.1.0.jar com.dkerchner.autocompleteprovider.AutocompleteProvider

At the Enter a passage or partial word (type \"exit!\" to quit): prompt enter a passage (more than one word, i.e. "hello how are you").

At the next Enter a passage or partial word (type \"exit!\" to quit): prompt either enter another passage or a word fragment (i.e. "h").

If you've typed in a word fragment, you should get a list of the possible word matches plus a confidence level (i.e. "hello" (1), "how" (1)).

The confidence level signifies how often you've used that word which makes it likelier to be used again.

Type exit! at any time to close the program.

Note: All input is converted to lowercase and suggestions are given in lowercase.

Possible Improvements

  • An interactive UI
  • Add mockito or something similar to test that methods have been called correctly
  • More tests!