
Plays Audio and Text via TTS on Google Home devices.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Google Home Audio & TTS

GitHub version NPM version Dependency version

Library to play audio and text via TTS on Google Home devices.

Table Of Contents


Use npm to install this module:

$ npm install google-home-audio-tts


The library uses callback-style. Just initialize a new instance for a single device, it can be reused at any time.

let GoogleHomeAVT = require('google-home-audio-tts');
let device = new GoogleHomeAVT('', 'en');

// play text via tts
device.tts('Hello!', result => {
    // result:
    // - media object on success
    // - false on error

// play audio
device.audio('http://domain.com/file.mp3', result => {
    // result:
    // - media object on success
    // - false on error


Some options can be changed on any time:

device.setIp(''); // change ip address
device.setLanguage('de'); // set language for tts
device.setVolume(1); // change volume before playback, value between 0 and 1
device.setRestoreVolume(true); // restore original volume after playback
device.setStreamType("BUFFERED"); // stream time, BUFFERED or LIVE
device.setTtsTimeout(1000); // set timeout for tts request
device.setTtsSpeed(1); // set tts playback speed


  • This library explicit don't support MDNS! Use fixed IP addresses for your devices. MDNS causes problems on different systems. If there is really need to use MDNS, just add this before by yourself and pass the IP to this library.

  • TTS texts has a limit of 200 characters.

Bugs / Feature request

Please report bugs and feel free to ask for new features directly on GitHub.


Minoss is dual-licensed under MIT and GPL-2.0 license.


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