
ActionScript AIR ORM for using client-side SQLite within AIR and Flex apps. Supports ActiveRecord style models, migrations and associations.

Primary LanguageActionScriptOtherNOASSERTION

ActionScript ORM for using SQLite in AIR apps. 
Supports ActiveRecord style models, migrations and associations. 

ASDoc package documentation available at http://airdb.memamsa.com

Design and development updates at: http://blog.memamsa.com/category/airdb

Help us write stand-alone unit and functional tests for the AirDB package. 

= Release Notes, New or Changed Functionality = 
== 20100517 == 
* Relater for compile-time declaration of associations with additional options.
* Has-many-through for many-many relationships with explicit join table. 
== 20090831 ==
* Uses local machine time while mapping Date for DATETIME fields
* Modeler#update only updates if a record was previously loaded into object.
* Added Modeler#reload to refresh object using latest record values.