A best-efforts collection of open-sourced macroeconomic models run by central banks and other official sector agencies (ie, ministries of economy)
- AlexCusePhiladelphia
- AmereaUniversity
- andrecvalerioFGV EPGE
- andrefpoliBrasil
- Apoorv-Khatri
- chrished
- cohenimhujiBank of Israel
- DawievLillStellenbosch University
- emilsavalan
- georgebwangMonash University
- geraldmashangeKansas State University
- ginxzhengMountain View, CA
- grantseiterUniversity of Virginia
- JinpoliLingnan University
- jivizcainoUniversity of Nottingham
- jkapsoli
- JulienPascalBCL
- levicrewsUCLA
- lnsongxfSun Yat-Sen University
- MalmbergSelmaLe Mans Université and CEPREMAP
- Marianojgm86
- mjveilleuxBay Area, CA
- mllee1996
- mredmond88
- ragul-n
- rmmominUniversity of Chicago
- schoulten@analisemacropro
- schultkrHalle Institute for Economic Research
- strued
- tamireinhorn@Topsort
- tholdenDeutsche Bundesbank
- timmyshenChicago
- viclzrzMexico
- vnery5FGV EESP
- whyalwaysrose
- WildrPerezLima