
:moneybag: iOS price list app using Firebase, Realm & more

Primary LanguageObjective-C


iOS app to record how much things cost using various data persistence implementations.

The basic data unit is an item, a simple dictionary:

    "8ACB9857-5385-4B83-8C36-9FEB278DA86E" =     {
        brand = "Georgia Pacific";
        dateUpdated = 1465489172;
        name = Paper;
        price = 5;
        store = Amazon;
        unit = "Ream (500 Sheets)";

The app can keep a list of such items (add, edit and delete).

The bulk of the code is in HowMuch-Core using auth and storage protocols:

Local / Device

  1. User Defaults
  2. Realm


  1. Parse
  2. Firebase

Input is managed by XLForm 💰
