
A javascript application designed to illustrate pathfinding and maze-generation algorithms.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Pathfinder is an interactive demonstration of a few major maze-generation and pathfinding algorithms. It is built completely in vanilla JavaScript (ES6), using HTML5 canvas elements in order to render the mazes.

Gif of maze generation

Live version.


JavaScript, Canvas, HTML5, CSS3

Algorithms and Data Structures Used

  • A*
  • BFS
  • DFS
  • Prim's Algorithm
  • Dijkstra's Algorithm
  • MinHeap Priority Queue
  • Directed graphs


Each maze is implemented as a spanning tree consisting of nodes which represent squares on a rectangular grid. Each node has a few properties: x and y coordinates, parent, children, value. Nodes are linked dynamically by each algorithm to create a spanning tree within the limits of the canvas.

The various generating algorithms are implemented using a switch within a single generator function, which determines how the active node is chosen out of the pool of candidate nodes.

// generators/maze_generator.js

let active;
switch (type) {
case "bfs":
  active = candidates.splice(
    Math.floor(Math.random()*candidates.length), 1
case "dfs":
  active = candidates.splice(
    candidates.length - Math.floor(Math.random()*3+1), 1
case "bfsNonMaze":
  active = candidates.shift();
case "prims":
case "dfsNonMaze":
  active = candidates.pop();

A* is implemented as an ES6 class. Both it and the Prim's generator use a binary min-heap priority queue to reduce the cost of finding the optimal node within the pool of candidates.

I also built an implementation of Fisher-Yates shuffle, as well as two simple grid-flooding functions, but found them ultimately unnecessary for the project.

Visit the live site for further explanations!