
Primary LanguageCGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0



Katu is a library aimed to simulate the interaction of particles in plasma. It currently traces protons, neutrons, leptons, pions and neutrinos.


Katu requires gsl with cblas support and pthreads as dependencies and cmake as a make dependency.

Building the code is very simple and just requires creating a new directory:

mkdir build

configuring using cmake:

cd build && cmake ..

and making:


This will compile a static library in the folder src, five examples in the folder examples and a util in the tables folder.


Katu is mainly intended to be used as a library, but the examples can be used right away to produce results. In other cases, you can use them as simple templates from where to write your own programs.

Katu produces a lot of look-up tables (LUTs) and, even if I have tryed hard to optimize its creation, in some cases this has been impossible. So, the first step to launch any of the examples, or any program that relies on Katu is to create the Bethe-Heitler LUT. For that, you can use the program that should have been compiled in the tables folder.

Before launching any of the examples, you have to make sure that the table that the generate_table_BH_ka program has created is called BH_KA_table.tab and is situated in a folder called tables in the same directory as the executable. Likewise, the file default.toml must be in the same directory. Like this:

 |- executable
 |- default.toml
 |   |
 |   |- BH_KA_table.tab

Launch any of the examples by passing default.toml (Or any other kind of configuration file, to be explained later) as first argument.

example_simple will simply simulate the blob until steady state and output the photon population at the end. example_data will also create a folder called data where it will dump information about every particle species every 10 steps. example_graphics will also use gnuplot to plot the resulting particle species every two steps. example_wrapper is a program ready to be used with the wrappers provided.

example_spheres is a bit different as it requires two configuration files to represent concentric spheres. This example will simulate two blobs, one inside the other and will output the photon population of the outer one at the end


Configuring Katu is done with the Toml language. An example configuration can be found in the default.toml file. For the sake of completeness, an explanation of all the options is given here.

The [general] table refers to general options for the simulation and the plasma. For now, this table comprises both physical and numerical keys, although that might change in the future. The possible keys are:

  • density: The density of the background plasma
  • magnetic_field: The magnitude of the background magnetic field
  • eta: The ratio of protons to electrons in the background plasma
  • cfe_ratio: The ratio of charged to free escape
  • t_acc: The acceleration timescale
  • dt: The initial value of the time step
  • dt_max: The maximum value of the time step
  • t_max: The maximum simulation time
  • tol: The requested tolerance for the steady state

The [volume] table refers to options refered to the shape of the simulation volume.

  • shape: The shape of the volume, currently it supports "sphere" and "disk"
  • R: The radius of the volume
  • h: The height of the disk. (Only used for the disk shape)

The external_injection table refers to the injection of particles from outside the simulated volume. The possible keys are:

  • luminosity: The integrated luminosity of the injected particles
  • eta: The ratio of protons to electrons to inject.

Note that the subtable external_injection.photons also has luminosity as a key separated from the particle injection.

The distribution tables and subtables ([protons], [electrons] and [photons]) refer to the distribution of particles, their limits and number of bins. The available keys are:

  • gamma_min: The minimum value for gamma for protons and electrons
  • gamma_max: The maximum value for gamma for protons and electrons
  • epsilon_min: The minimum value for epsilon for photons
  • epsilon_max: The maximum value for epsilon for photons
  • size: The number of bins for the particle kind

Note that the distribution limits for the rest of the particle species are derived from these.

The distribution itself is controlled by the key distribution_type and supports the following options, along with the corresponding keys:

  • "maxwell_juttner": This option gives a thermal distribution of particles
    • temperature: The temperature of the distribution, in terms of the rest mass energy
  • "hybrid": This option gives a thermal distribution of particles at low energies coupled with a power law at higher energies
    • temperature: The temperature of the distribution, in terms of the rest mass energy
    • connection_point: The value of the energy where the Maxwell-Jüttner distribution becomes a power law
  • "power_law": This option gives a simple power law
    • slope: The value of the exponent of the power law
  • "power_law_with_exponential_cutoff": This option gives a power law with an exponential cutoff
    • slope: The value of the exponent of the power law
    • break_point: The normalization value for the energy in the exponential cutoff
  • "broken_power_law": This option gives a broken power law
    • break_point: The value of the energy where the the power law changes from the first slope to the second
    • first_slope: The value of the first exponent of the power law
    • second_slope: The value of the second exponent of the power law
  • "connected_power_law": This option gives a smooth power law with two slopes
    • connection_point: The value of the energy where the the power law changes from the first slope to the second
    • first_slope: The value of the first exponent of the power law
    • second_slope: The value of the second exponent of the power law
  • "black_body": This option gives a thermal distribution of photons
    • temperature: The temperature of the distribution, in terms of the rest mass energy of an electron



Katu comes with two wrappers to allow it to work with two common packages to do bayesian analysis: emcee and multinest.

emcee is described in emcee: the MCMC Hammer and implements Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis with Affine Invariant ensembles. The interface we employ for this is the python package emcee by Dan Foreman-Mackey.

multinest is described in Importance Nested Sampling and the MultiNest Algorithm and implements Nested Sampling analysis. The interface we employ for this is the python package pymultinest by Johannes Buchner.

Common dependencies for both wrappers are: numpy, scipy and matplotlib, which can be easily installed from the corresponding distribution repositories;

In the case of using emcee the 2.2.1 version package and that of corner have to be installed by doing

pip install --user emcee==2.2.1
pip install --user corner

Note that version 2.2.1 of emcee must be used, as version 3.0.0 breaks the wrapper interface with emcee.

In the case of using multinest, then multinest itself must be installed from the distribution's repositories or from multinest's source and pymultinest must be installed:

pip install --user pymultinest

Note that in some cases, manual setting of the path to the multinest library must be done.

Usage - Preparation

The usage of the wrappers is a bit complex because the user is expected to choose and write the model and the functions that go from the analyzed space to a Katu configuration file. Some examples can be seen in the utils/utils_{shell,sphere}_{steady_state,injection}.py files.

In particular, the user must supply the variables and functions:

  • ndim: The number of dimensions of the space
  • labels: A list with the names of the variables
  • lnprior: A function that returns the a priori probability for the chosen point
  • theta_to_config: A function that returns an string with the a valid configuration associated with a point
  • get_gamma: A function that returns the value of Gamma from a point in space
  • get_R: A function that returns the value of R from a point in space

For emcee, the user must supply the aditional variables:

  • initial_theta: A 3D array with ndim entries that sets the spread (0,2) and the central value (1) for the variables to start from
  • walkers: The number of walkers to use. Note that it must be higher than 2 * (ndim + 1)

For multinest, the user must supply the aditional function:

  • prior: A function that transforms from the unit cube to the space coordinates

In both cases, the user must supply the corresponding data to compare the results with. This data must be situated inside a directory called Object_Data, the name is left to the user, but must be edited in the variable called Object_data_file. The variable Object is not used by the wrappers except for setting the corresponding resulting directories, so the user is encouraged to give it a meaningful value.

The object data file is required to have two variables:

  • z: The redshift of the object
  • data: A 3D array with the following entries:
    • Energy of the observations, in [eV]
    • Flux of the observations, in [erg/cm2/s]
    • Error in the flux of the observations, in [erg/cm2/s]

Finally, the user is required to choose and set the variables:

  • volume: Either shell or sphere
  • model: Either steady_state or injection

A compiled version of Katu must be located in the same folder as the wrapper and must be able to receive a configuration file as first argument, and must print to stdout the energy and the population of photons. The example_wrapper executable should be readily available for the user to use if they want a basic version of Katu.

Usage - Running

After having prepared the wrapper and the corresponding utils file and having an appropiate Katu executable, the simulations can be run simply by launching the wrappers:

python3 multinest_wrapper.py


python3 emcee_wrapper.py

Usage - Output

The output of both wrappers is very different and is defined mostly by how the wrappers handle the simulation process.

In the case of multinest, all the data handling is done by multinest itself and it will be stored at <Object>_results/multinest_<volume>_<model>/ where Object, volume and model are the variables that are set at the Preparation step. The user is encouraged to check the output files in the documentation of multinest to understand its contents. Alternatively, I have provided my own set of notes about multinest's output in doc/multinest_notes.txt, which the user can check.

Additionally, multinest will print to the terminal some status lines so that the user can check that it still is working.

In the case of emcee, all the data handling is done by the wrapper, which means that we have a much better control over what happens. Its output will be located at <Object>_results/emcee_<volume>_<model>/ where Object, volume and model are the variables that are set at the Preparation step. The output will consist of a corner plot and a data dump for every update step. Additionally, every update steps will print to the terminal the median and 16, 84 percentiles and best point found so far, along with its log likelihood.

The update steps come in three versions. First the wrapper works one MCMC step at a time. This allows the user to quickly check if the simulation is working the way it is expected to with regards to the behaviour of the log likelihood. It can also be used to quickly find a good starting point to feed back to the wrapper.

Second, the wrapper does 20 steps of ten MCMC steps where it checks if any of the walkers is stuck at a log likelihood that is 25 times worse than the best and in that case it relaunches it. This is done to avoid cases where one walker might be stuck in a local minima with very low probability of getting out.

Third, the wrapper does steps of 20 MCMC steps until the end.

Usage - Ending

Both wrappers can be stopped at any point, and additionally, the multinest allows relaunching as the underlying library handles it. Unfortunatelly, emcee does not support relaunching and the user would need to code that in themselves.

If the user does not stop manually the wrappers, both would continue until their termination criteria is met. In the case of multinest, this is handled by the library and is set to the moment where additional steps would only improve the log evidence by 0.5. emcee relies on the constantness of the final distribution of the walkers finishes if the median and 16, 84 percentiles of the last two blocks of 50 updates have not changed.

Usage - Analysis

Along with both wrappers, we also provide two small utilities that should aid in the analysis of the final data. In both cases, the variables Object, volume and model have to be edited to be the same as the wrapper that produced the data. Additionally, the utils file that was used should be moved inside the data directory and renamed metadata.py so that the analyzer can access the utilities that were used when creating the data.

In the case of multinest, we provide multinest_analyzer.py which will simply print each of the dimensions of the problem with the label and the median value along with the 16 and 84 percentiles. After that, the best parameters and the best log likelihood will be printed and a configuration file ready for its usage with Katu will be written. Finally, a corner plot of the parameters will be created.

Remember that, if the user is interested in the evidence and its error, they can be read in one of the files that multinest created.

The user is also encouraged to check the examples that Johannes Buchner, the author of pymultinest, has in the github page for pymultinest. The examples are called multinest_marginals.py, multinest_marginals_corner.py and multinest_marginals_fancy.py

For emcee, we also provide a emcee_analyzer.py script which will do a similar job as the multinest one. It must be noted that due to the nature of MCMC, it is expected that the first data points are composed by burn-in data points. In this case, a variable discarded_data can be set in the metadata file in order to discard that many steps from the beginning.

Note that both scripts are very simple and might not be what the end user needs for their analysis. In that case, they can use them as a starting point for their own scripts. Additionally, in utils/analyzer_utils.py there are some utilities that might be useful for adding functionality to the wrappers.


Non-eshaustive list of publications that use Katu in any form:

  • A Bayesian Approach to Modelling Multi-Messenger Emission from Blazars using Lepto-Hadronic Kinetic Equations ADS arXiv