
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to myRetail!

This node.js API provides price information on a variety of retail products.

Install and Run

  1. Clone this repository from github

    git clone https://github.com/dkleingit/myretail.git

  2. Install mongodb (this will store the pricing information)


  3. Install Dependencies

    $ npm install

  4. Load the data

    $ node loader.js

    Pricing information will be loaded for the following product ids: [13860424, 13860425, 13860428, 13860429, 13860433]

  5. Run the tests

    $ npm test

  6. Start the server

    $ node server.js


HTTP GET request at /products/{id}

Delivers product data as JSON where {id} is a number.

HTTP PUT request at /products/{id}

Updates the product's price in the data store and returns the updated record.

Example Request:


Example Response:

{"id":13860428,"name":"The Big Lebowski (Blu-ray) (Widescreen)","current_price":{"value": 13.49,"currency_code":"USD"}}