

Primary LanguageR



A package to download and process ERA5 data ready for use in microclimate modelling. Corresponding paper describing the package here in Methods in Ecology and Evolution.


At present, mcera5 has a dependency on the R package microclima, which in turn depends on rgdal. Given that rgdal has been retired, it is no longer available to be installed from CRAN. Thus, if you do not have rgdal available for your current version of R, prior to attempting to install mcera5, please install rgdal from an archived source by running this line of code:
remotes::install_url("https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/rgdal/rgdal_1.6-7.tar.gz", type="source")

Then when installing mcera5, make sure to specify build_vignettes = TRUE in order to access the package's vignette tutorial:
remotes::install_github("dklinges9/mcera5", build_vignettes = TRUE)


The vignette can then be accessed via:

Alternatively you can navigate to the vignette manually here on the GitHub repository.

Contact and Contributors

David Klinges: Maintainer, primary contact (dklinges9@gmail.com)
James Duffy: Creator
Ilya Maclean: Contributor


Please submit reproducible examples as an issue on Github.