####to vertify your model object ridiculously like this? Oh Aaauuh~ ```Java if(school != null && school.classes != null && school.classes.size()>0 && school.teacher != null && school.teacher.name != null && school.teacher.student != null && school.teacher.student.name != null) doSomething(); ``` Now it can be done by a single line code below ```Java if(Vertify.vertifyNotEmpty(school)) doSomething(); ``` a simple **VertifyTag** annotation is enough. the **Vertify** do the rest for you ```Java public class School {
List<Clazz> classes;
Teacher teacher;
class Teacher { @Vertify.VertifyTag String name;
Student student;
class Student { @Vertify.VertifyTag String name; }
####Advantage Feathures
* **1 use strategy mode to add individual vertifcation**
Vertify.VertifyStrategy strategy = new Vertify.VertifyStrategy()
public boolean judge(Vertify.Entity entity) {
if(entity.getFieldName().equals("classes")) // List<Clazz> classes
List<Clazz> classes = entity.convert();
return classes.size()==2;
return true;
2 very detailed and formatted output info for your vertifcation
NOT NULL VERTIFY: × reason:NULL Object filed:classes->interface java.util.List tag: value:null parent:null->null NOT NULL VERTIFY: √ filed:schoolName->class java.lang.String tag:tag1 value:哈尔滨市第三中学 parent:null->null
* **3 very flexible way to combine strategies**
**there are predefined vertify strategies for judge null or empty object**<br>
public static boolean vertifyNotNull(Object obj);
public static boolean vertifyNotEmpty(Object obj);
**to use your own strategy together with predefined strategy**<br>
public static boolean vertifyNotNull(Object obj,VertifyStrategy... strategies)
public static boolean vertifyNotEmpty(Object obj,VertifyStrategy... strategies)
**to vertify object all by yourself**<br>
public static boolean vertify(Object obj,VertifyStrategy... strategies)
see TestCase & wiki for more usage & information
ps.for android proguarding
-keep class com.example.Vertify$* {*;}