
Swoosh <3 Phoenix

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Phoenix.View + Swoosh.

This module provides the ability to set the HTML and/or text body of an email by rendering templates.


Add :phoenix_swoosh to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:phoenix_swoosh, "~> 1.0"},

    # without phoenix_html, phoenix_swoosh only works with plain text templates
    # if you want to use HTML templates
    # {:phoenix_html, "~> 3.0"},

You probably also want to install finch, hackney or an HTTP client of your own choice, if you are using a provider that Swoosh talks to via their HTTP API.

Or :gen_smtp if you are working with a provider that only works through SMTP.

See Swoosh for more details.


1. Classic setup

Setting up the templates:

# path_to/templates/user_notifier/welcome.html.eex
  <h1>Welcome to Sample, <%= @name %>!</h1>
# path_to/views/user_notifier_view.ex
defmodule Sample.UserNotifierView do
  use Phoenix.View, root: "path_to/templates"

Passing values to templates:

# path_to/notifiers/user_notifier.ex
defmodule Sample.UserNotifier do
  use Phoenix.Swoosh, view: Sample.UserNotifierView

  def welcome(user) do
    |> from("tony@stark.com")
    |> to(user.email)
    |> subject("Hello, Avengers!")
    |> render_body("welcome.html", %{name: name})

Maybe with a layout:

# path_to/templates/layout/email.html.eex
    <title><%= @email.subject %></title>
    <%= @inner_content %>
defmodule Sample.LayoutView do
  use Phoenix.View, root: "path_to/templates"
# path_to/notifiers/user_notifier.ex
defmodule Sample.UserNotifier do
  use Phoenix.Swoosh,
    view: Sample.NotifierView,
    layout: {Sample.LayoutView, :email}

  # ... same welcome ...

Layout can also be added/changed dynamically with put_new_layout/2 and put_layout/2

2. Standalone setup

# path_to/templates/user_notifier/welcome.html.eex
  <h1>Welcome to Sample, <%= @name %>!</h1>
# path_to/notifiers/user_notifier.ex
defmodule Sample.UserNotifier do
  use Phoenix.Swoosh,
    template_root: "path_to/templates",
    template_path: "user_notifier"

  # ... same welcome ...

In this setup, the notifier module itself serves as the view module

template_root, template_path and template_namespace will be passed to Phoenix.View as root, path and namespace.

Layout can be setup the same way as classic setup.

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2021 Swoosh contributors

Released under the MIT License, which can be found in LICENSE.md.